Any system admins keep a journal or log?

JockVSJockJockVSJock Member Posts: 1,118
I'm trying to keep a log in a MS Word doc where I try to detail day-to-day changes and activities.

There has been a few times where I have to go back to it and read thru a few things. I find that making this a habit is hard.

Was wondering if any other sys admins keep a journal/log and what they fill in and how they keep it up.

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  • J_86J_86 Member Posts: 262 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I do, specially since I work with multiple customers. I used OneNote for the majority since you can create multiple notebooks and tabs. I also use Evernote for a few things.
  • nachodbanachodba Member Posts: 201 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I use OneNote also, it's probably one of my most used programs since it has an ok screen capture feature.

    I typically do this sort of thing -


    0715 - Arrive
    0730-0815 - Resolve blah blah issue on blah server
    0845-0900 - Resolved blah users blah ticket
    1000 - 1200 - Meeting with blah group to discuss blah sql upgrade
    1200 - 1230 - Lunch
    1300 - 1400 - CandyCrush

    Stuff like that.
    2020 Goals
    work-life balance
  • gorebrushgorebrush Member Posts: 2,744 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Probably easier in Excel I would have thought. I don't bother keeping a journal. Wish I did when I was a systems admin though just to see exactly how I used to use my days
  • JasminLandryJasminLandry Member Posts: 601 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I try to do it as well but sometimes I just have to many things to do so I completely forget about it.
  • darkerosxxdarkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
    I use Jira as a project tracker and everything I do gets put into an issue under a project. That's for work tasks where I actually do work. I use Stash to tie my issues/tasks to git commits, so if I can't remember how to do something that I did before, I just look up the task and if the task doesn't explain how it was done, I pull up the attached git commit and there it is in code.

    I use my Samsung Note 10.1 tablet to keep a handwritten journal of my daily highlights. There is a page template in there with 3 lines for each day, so I drop highlights in there. This is so I can create monthly reports of big highlights.
  • 4_lom4_lom Member Posts: 485
    I do this with a Notebook in OneNote. That way it gets synced across all my devices, so no matter where I'm at I always have access to my notes. I create notes on problems I encounter throughout the day, with my own findings/troubleshooting steps and links to any webpages that have useful information.
    Goals for 2018: MCSA: Cloud Platform, AWS Solutions Architect, MCSA : Server 2016, MCSE: Messaging

  • alias454alias454 Member Posts: 648 ■■■■□□□□□□
    We use JIRA also for change management tracking. We don't do any work that affects more than one person unless there is a change request put through, discussed, and approved by a manager (at-least, that's the policy). the reality is we do document changes to systems but not always with the discussion and approval part. Some of the regular chores have different processes so they don't require disccusion or management approval. As far as tracking my day to day activities, I don't do anything special. I try to add appointments for myself to mark that I have done something but I get interrupted a lot so sometimes it is hard to be consistent.
    “I do not seek answers, but rather to understand the question.”
  • kohr-ahkohr-ah Member Posts: 1,277
    For meetings i use a cheap moleskin style notebook and usually something like a G2 pen.
    Easier for me to reference as I know this book is just what was covered in meetings.

    When doing technical work I use one note and have a notebook for work, one for studies, and one for stuff i want to remember for myself
  • VeritiesVerities Member Posts: 1,162
    I used to keep track of my daily activities, but it became too cumbersome over time especially when stuff hits the fan. I highly recommend keeping track of your activities if you can as it can make you more efficient in your time as well as track what you've done for the day or the week (if you're looking back on it).

    I do the same as other in here and use OneNote to keep track of all my t-shooting resolutions and commands. I have a section in my OneNote for each of the 5 operating systems I work with daily: Windows (Powershell), HP-UX, Solaris, RHEL, and VMware. Its extremely handy as it saves you time in the future, when you run into that problem again and have forgotten how you fixed it in the first place.
  • --chris----chris-- Member Posts: 1,518 ■■■■■□□□□□
    This is one of those things that should be a "best effort" (so that you don't get discouraged should you miss a couple entries) and also be technically simple to use.

    I use notepad and split it into weeks or months depending on how active the client is. We use AutoTask and Kaseya for ticketing and put the bulk of change management / work related info into those tickets, then use the .txt files for each client as a way of quickly summarizing the days work so that if that client has an issue the next day or soon after we can at least see what the last thing that changed was.

    This lets anyone pick up on the work quickly and gives a good starting point for pin pointing change.
  • jvrlopezjvrlopez Member Posts: 913 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I only do if I'm told to. It helps a lot for recalling things at the end of the week, but it's such a hassle to stay on top of it when you're busy during the day.
    And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna
  • kohr-ahkohr-ah Member Posts: 1,277
    Besides what I stated earlier - I dont keep a daily list more of "What to do" and a tab named "Completed" that I move it to when done. It helps me remember :P
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