
Plunging into the IT Field: Advice for Initial Dip

BizWizBizWiz Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello TechExams Users,

As my title would suggest, I am looking to make a plunge into the IT Field. I am 22 years old and about to graduate from university with a degree in Industrial Engineering (Business & Engineering mix).

Here's a bit of background about myself. I do have some experience in the IT Field. For the past 8 years I have repaired computers on the side to make some money. I am quite familiar with the common issues which plague Windows and to a lesser extent Mac OS machines.
My coursework has also provided me with a somewhat strong background in Computer Science (I enjoy taking CS Courses). I am able to program in C++, Java and a number of obscure and irrelevant languages as well as design websites using HTML, CSS and Javascript. I am also somewhat familiar with MySQL.
My practical experiences in these areas is relatively limited with the exception of computer repair and it is my desire to become a software developer within a few years after building up my skills.

My main coursework has been focused on Engineering & Business systems. I have taken courses such as Physics, Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Circuit Analysis, ERP Systems, Project Management, Strategy, etc.

To cut to the point, it is my desire to become a software developer within a few years. My skill set is not broad enough nor sharp enough to do this comfortably at this time. Thus, I will develop these skills myself over the course of the next few years.
Still, I would like to put myself in the IT field so that I do not get drawn into another while I am developing my skills.
I believe that a technician position would be good for me as I am experienced in it already.
Though after studying a not-directly-IT related field of study, I am not certain that it will be easy to find a job.

I am thinking that if I obtain a few certifications between now and graduation that I will have a stronger chance. Would you agree? If so, which certifications would you recommend.


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