Opinion for Sybex book by Emmett Dulaney and Chuck Easttom in order to take Security+
Hello to everybody!
I bought the book in object for self study in order to take the Security+ cert Sy0-401. I'm just CCNA 200-120 certified.
In your opinion studying only on this book can be sufficient to overtake the exam?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
I bought the book in object for self study in order to take the Security+ cert Sy0-401. I'm just CCNA 200-120 certified.
In your opinion studying only on this book can be sufficient to overtake the exam?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

fuz1on Member Posts: 961 ■■■■□□□□□□
In my humble opinion, Sybex sucks.Go get Amazon.com: CompTIA Security+: Get Certified Get Ahead: SY0-401 Study Guide eBook: Darril Gibson: Kindle Store (Darril Gibson is a TechExam forum member). Many of use have used it to pass the exam; I passed the 301 pretty much because I crammed that book.
Also, do you have experience with A+ topics? Sec+ stretches many domains...you might not even get many internetworking questions.timku.com(puter) | ProHacker.Co(nsultant) | ITaaS.Co(nstultant) | ThePenTester.net | @fuz1on
Transmosis | http://transmosis.com | LinkedIn | https://linkedin.com/in/t1mku
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The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Buddha
If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. - Unknown -
mturco84 Banned Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
I work in a ISP so the arguments in A+make part of my job. I'm also a Telecommnuication engineer beyond to be CCNA certified.
So thanks for your suggestion, I'll finish Sybex book and then I'll try some test for the exams and if I'm not sure I'll buy book you suggested.
Do you know web sites where I can find good simulation test exams for Security+? -
keyblader Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
I agree with the previous poster about Sybex not really helping as much. Not as reader-friendly and doesn't flow as well as other guides that try to build on previous chapters. He was right to suggest Gibson's-Get Certified book, also his premium website which is like $20 for a month of access to practice sims and other content. I used it for the practice Perf. Sim questions.
I did majority of my studying with David L. Prowse's- Security+ Guide (Kindle vers.) it comes with a code for DLC like a practice test engine complete with study mode and exam mode that gives you explanations for the answers.....both guides work well together.
Side note...this was my first cert with virtually no previous networking experience so you should be ok..as long as you put the time in.
wish you the best