CompTIA A+ certiified finally, some advices

PehaPeha Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi there!

Finally passed 801 and 802 exams few days ago with good scores, 801 - 827/900, 802 - 851/900. I used this forum for few weeks and gathered advices, tips, resources, good and bad results and I wanna share some of my advices with you.

My background: Always loved computers since a was a kid, been a IT Equipment Salesman for few years and finally got a chance last year to prove myself as a real IT Technician in a excellent company. I started learning as soon as i got employed because certs matter for you and your employer. Now I can see that i lost a lotta time learning because I was too nervous to register for exams and I wanted to make sure that everything is gonna be alright and that I will pass from the first try (because this is my first real cert).

My few advices / tips / resources:

1. Mike Meyers book and Darril Gibson starting kit are well written books for newbies and for people that already know something, use them, I would say that Mike Meyers book is a little more complex and pretty much everything is deeply explained (sometimes a little to deep if you ask me :D)

2. Make notes (i didn't at the start and now i feel sorry because i lost a lot of time because of that)

3. Use Pearson Exam Cram Book (5th and 6th edition), I gotta say that questions in those books are harder than the real exam and if you can manage those questions then you are aaaaalrright

4. Practice with VCE (but don't rely on those questions / answers, know your stuff for real and you will not have problems)

5. If you are newbie and gotta a lot of time and don't have real experience watch CBT Nuggets, otherwise watch Messer videos (they are short and sweet), don't get me wrong, CBT Nuggets are excellent but i would say that they are mainly directed to people with no experience, if you have experience and knowledge you will lose your time on them

6. Know directions in Windows (Control Panel), learn CMD stuff, know your motherboard and all her parts, security, procedures, watch for tricks on exam

7. I wanna thank to some people that wrote here that is best to skip simulators on real exam (flag them) and first answer stuff that you know - they are definetlly right. If i saw some question that is not fully understandable at that moment to me i flagged it and continued with exam, later when I came back to those questions I answered them quickly and i was wondering later why did i not answered them on the first try. I wanna say - If you don't know the answer, flag the question and continue. Later when you will come back to that particular question possibilites are that you will answer it easilly because you will have some experience from other questions.

I would say that 802 exam was a lotta harder to me but I managed to score better on that exam (maybe I was more concentrated already? Who knows).

I wanna thank you all for all your advices / tips etc., on my way to Network+ :)


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