Passed LX0-101

in Linux+
I passed it last week and I am going to take the LX0-102 tomorrow. There were some things on the exam I didnt know but I got a pass. Most of it I breezed through though.
hiddenknight821 Member Posts: 1,209 ■■■■■■□□□□
Let me be the first to say congratulations on the pass! Good luck on your exam tomorrow. Don't hesitate celebrating tomorrow evening after passing the exam. -
H3||scr3am Member Posts: 564 ■■■■□□□□□□
congratulations, I plan to take the Linux+ next month. Good luck on the 102 tomorrow. -
fuz1on Member Posts: 961 ■■■■□□□□□□
Congrats and good luck today!!! | ProHacker.Co(nsultant) | ITaaS.Co(nstultant) | | @fuz1on
Transmosis | | LinkedIn |
If evil be spoken of you and it be true, correct yourself, if it be a lie, laugh at it. - Epictetus
The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Buddha
If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. - Unknown -
devilbones Member Posts: 318 ■■■■□□□□□□
I got the LX0-102 down today. The testing facility was small in this mostly abandoned industrial park. There was a guy in the reception area that was overly talkative asking about which test I was taking.
Him: "What test are you taking?"
Me: Linux+
Him: Oh that was a good one when I took it, LAST YEAR. I got my kid in here taking exams now...
Guy went on and on with the proctor just talking about nothing, when the proctor let me into the room it was really hot and there were only 2 of the seats open. The entire time I was taking the exam the only thing I could here was that guy just talking and talking. Luckily for me the test didnt take very long and I was out.
Him: Wow that didnt take you long.
Me: How long was it supposed to take?
Him: At least 40 more minutes
I just grabbed my score and left. I feel bad for the guys that had to sit in that hot room listening to that guys voice through the walls. And there is a window where the proctor is observing and that guy was just standing there watching everyone taking the test. Glad its over with. If anyone has any questions let me know. Obviously I cant reveal specifics on the questions and such but I will do my best. Thanks to this board I registered with LPIC and my scores should be sent over automatically. -
H3||scr3am Member Posts: 564 ■■■■□□□□□□
devilbones wrote: »Glad its over with. If anyone has any questions let me know. Obviously I cant reveal specifics on the questions and such but I will do my best. Thanks to this board I registered with LPIC and my scores should be sent over automatically.
Congrats on becoming Linux+ certified (and LPIC-1, and the others), could you share with us what materials you used or would suggest to others? I plan to take this one next month. -
devilbones Member Posts: 318 ■■■■□□□□□□
H3||scr3am wrote: »Congrats on becoming Linux+ certified (and LPIC-1, and the others), could you share with us what materials you used or would suggest to others? I plan to take this one next month.
I have been taking Linux/Unix Classes from my school and I have used Unix/Linux for over ten years. I recently switched jobs where most of my work is done on Linux devices so I decided to take the exams. I had a few questions that were related to specific versions and I am unsure if I got those correct. Somebody posted a link on here to the exam objectives and I got those from the CompTIA site. The test I took today could have pretty much been for anything, there were lots of questions that didnt even seem specific to Linux so maybe I lucked out. -
hiddenknight821 Member Posts: 1,209 ■■■■■■□□□□
Congrats on being Linux+ certified! I hope you celebrated.