Cloud storage help

slinuxuzerslinuxuzer Member Posts: 665 ■■■■□□□□□□
All, I am looking for a cloud storage appliance, virtual or physical that can write data into multiple cloud providers, I need this appliance to be fips140-2 compliant for data in transit to the cloud and data at rest in the cloud, this is protected health data. I need to be able to mount via Iscsi, NFS and maybe cifs for low latency local side cache, trying to move 40 TB of data into the cloud.

I have looked at Hitachi HCP and HDI, neither are Fips140-2 compliant. Also, looked at Netapp Steel store, but it's about 80k, which is out of my prrice range, I am looking for something in the sub 45k range.

Thanks in advance.


  • ClaymooreClaymoore Member Posts: 1,637
    The two products I'm familiar with are StorSimple for MS Azure and the AWS Storage Gateway. StorSimple is an appliance while the Storage Gateway for Amazon is a VM. There are some physical applicances available for AWS SG, just look around. Both StorSimple and the S3 or EBS storage behind the AWS storage gateway are or can be encrypted.

    Both AWS and Azure have marketplaces where vendors offer products built on that cloud provider. A quick search of the AWS storage marketplace shows many backup services, but I only saw one filer right off that calls out fips140-2 compliance, the Panzura Global NAS. Also available in a physical appliance.

    The requirement replicate data to multiple cloud providers is interesting. Is this for high availability or spreading risk across providers? You'll pay for services and storage in both locations, which will add up quickly. AWS instances can run and load balance across availability zones, making it highly available.
  • slinuxuzerslinuxuzer Member Posts: 665 ■■■■□□□□□□
    What I meant was I would like the appliance to be able to ingest into multiple clouds, in case at some point I want to switch companies, I plan to ingest into one cloud and possibly replicate across zones inside that provider.
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