
Using Cisco Router ACL/ZBF for whitelist?

TechJunkyTechJunky Member Posts: 881
Any way I can use ZBF or ACLS to only allow certian web sites for a specific computer mac address? Basically I want to create a "whitelist" of sites that a computer can access, everything else HTTP gets blocked. Tired of users accessing facebook, youtube, etc.

IE: I only want user with mac 00:11:22:33:44 to access Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News - CNN.com

I only need to do this to 4 computers, so any easy way would be appreciated.


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    merc.man87merc.man87 Member Posts: 50 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I know that the ASA has a similar feature for white listing, I am not sure of a similar solution on the router. I think you could modify the host files on those four machines, our set up a free open DNS account and filter there, and set those machines to use OpenDNS. As long as those 4 hosts don't need to access anything externally, you could create an acl for those 4 IP's and only allow traffic to the known ip's of the websites and drop other traffic.
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    HeeroHeero Member Posts: 486
    You want a device that actually acts as a web proxy with ways to identify users, do SSL interception, etc....
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