
May be Released due to Being Written Up...Should I worry?



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    binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
    @Nafe92014: If a company can't tolerate accidents, it's time to look for another job. I'm sure you didn't 'intend' to drop it, so you can't be taken responsible for how God has designed 'gravity' !
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    MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I exchanged a 100 dollar bill at a food place I worked at when someone paid for their food. I was really busy.

    Later I realized that for some reason I thought it was a 100 dollar bill, when it was really only a 20.

    Needless to say, I was short on my drawer at the end of the night.

    I'm an idiot and offered my own money and they accepted it. I learned my lesson later to not worry about financial mistakes in some situations. It happens.
    My blog http://www.calegp.com

    You may learn something!
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    Codeman6669Codeman6669 Member Posts: 227
    Man, it was a accident. Your boss is a tool for writing you up for it. "Is geek squad the right job for you" LOL
    No, no its not. Because you are better then that! Just keep searching jobs, your still new in the field so your going to have to WORK to get ahead. That CCNA your working to will help.

    If it makes you feel any better, about 3 years ago i got written up for "walking slowly". No joke. I quit the job a month later for a better paying position. Basically, if you employer is such a dick to treat people like that, you dont want to work for them. Sometimes you have to, to get some experience under your belt. We all had to bite our tongue with a **** boss in the beginning.

    and stop worrying. Best thing that ever happened to me was getting laid off from a place i worked for 7 years.
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    NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    And if they decide to sack you for that, well, it's just Geek Squad and they are worthless.
    Keep looking, Geek Squad will do jack squat for you and sounds like you work for an idiot anyway.

    This sort of negative talk is the reason that its hard to work in this industry at times. The fact that you work in a retail environment doesnt mean you dont have just as important job as any of the rest of us. You may not feel like you are but you really do work in an IT job. Embrace that and learn everything you can before you leave.
    Nafe92014 wrote: »
    I'll stick with this job until I get hired at a better position, like help desk, or when I start college in September. Definitely won't be putting Geek Squad on my resume though.

    I put in 9 months at my precinct and learned so much in my time there. I did and still do put my Geek Squad time on my resume because it is relevant to my job history and shows employers that i started at the ground floor and earned my way up. The hardest skill for 95% of IT pros in their first decade of work has been soft skills and communication skills. You cant learn how to speak and act with people from a book or a CBT, you learn this by daily interactions with actual people. You can really hone your soft skills at Geek Squad because you are force to speak with hundreds of people daily as you work your shift. Take advantage of that.
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    aspiringsoulaspiringsoul Member Posts: 314
    Former Geek Squad employee here (3 months),

    Like others have mentioned, it was an accident, not a mistake. Keep your chin up and earn that degree. Keep trying to find a Helpdesk job since you have your A+. Geek Squad can be a great foundation leading to a help desk position, but I would not stress about the position.

    Keep studying for certifications, keep working hard on your degree, you'll be out of there before you know it.
    Education: MS-Information Security and Assurance from Western Governors University, BS-Business Information Systems from Indiana Wesleyan University, AAS-Computer Network Systems - ITT Tech,
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