
Taking a class for to prepare for A+ exam

datacenter01010datacenter01010 Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey everyone, I decided a couple of months ago that I want to pursue getting my A+ certification. I've gotten Cisco certs before and quickly realized through that process that I simply can't self-study. I like to have a teacher and to be able to work with the material in a class setting. I'm actually finishing up a CCNA course right now with George Mason University and they have an A+ course that starts in April. I really liked what I've received from their course and think that the A+ course they offer could be extremely helpful, but I want to explore all my options.

Does anybody have any suggestions on either any courses to take or any other methods other than the two I just listed to study? Or just suggestions on how to make the studying experience more beneficial? Thanks for all your help!
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