The Campaign Continues Without Pause: 40-711 Conquered

This exam made the 710 look easy. I've used AD since it came out, and thought I had a good grip on the basics.
Know remote access: DHCP, DNS and how they work with network access policies, VPN, etc. KNOW THEM! Otherwise you will have to scrape by, like I did. Barely. 733. Lot's of little gotchas buried in there. Lot's of word traps.
Prayer helped.
Know remote access: DHCP, DNS and how they work with network access policies, VPN, etc. KNOW THEM! Otherwise you will have to scrape by, like I did. Barely. 733. Lot's of little gotchas buried in there. Lot's of word traps.
Prayer helped.
knownhero Member Posts: 450
Well done on the pass. I'm going to book mine for June/July think a good few months going over it should be enough. What you use to study?70-410 [x] 70-411 [x] 70-462[x] 70-331[x] 70-332[x]
MCSE - SharePoint 2013 :thumbup:
Road map 2017: JavaScript and modern web development -
Wagnaard Member Posts: 124
I found it hard to wrap my head around some of the topics. I know a lot of it is simply built on what was begun in 410. Just mental blocks I guess.