
after network+ what?

indubasuindubasu Member Posts: 50 ■■□□□□□□□□
I am sitting for the network + soon and am wondering what exam to take after that. Should it be A+ (I don't have it yet), Security+ or MCP (70-270)? plz suggest/advise. From a career point of view which of these would help me to move forward and make myself more marketable? u guys r soooooo helpful. I am so glad i found this site .....


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    raiedraied Member Posts: 93 ■■■□□□□□□□
    It depends which way you want to go. You leaning towards an MCSA? CCNA / CCNP? NCP?
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    indubasuindubasu Member Posts: 50 ■■□□□□□□□□
    going towards MCSA/E
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    gravyjoegravyjoe Member Posts: 260
    raied wrote:
    It depends which way you want to go. You leaning towards an MCSA? CCNA / CCNP? NCP?
    I agree Raied.
    The biggest risk in life is not taking one.
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    gigionegigione Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    apply your network+ and A+ certifications towards your MCSE, I would also use the Security+ for the MCSE: Security
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    indubasuindubasu Member Posts: 50 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Security+ itself counts as an elective for MCSA/MCSE right? In that case if I take security + (which I am very interested in) do I still need to take A+?
    The elective choices for MCSA/MCSE are:
    A+ AND Network+



    Am I right?
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    dagger1xdagger1x Member Posts: 55 ■■□□□□□□□□
    For MCSA you can use a combination of A+ and Net+ as an elective. This combination cannot be used for an elelctive in MCSE

    Security+ can be used for an elective for MCSE
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    qsubqsub Member Posts: 303
    I'd go for security. Security is pretty interesting so after taking it, you might decide you want your CCNA over the MCSA/E. I mean, why not just wait a bit for the MCSA since Vista is coming out.. Really that's what I'm waiting for anyways.
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    Megadeth4168Megadeth4168 Member Posts: 2,157
    I don't know if this is true or not, but I've heard that the security+ is good to take after studying and passing the network+ because they are simialr in some ways.... I should say that I've heard that there is a decent ammount covered in the security+ that is also covered in the network+. If this is true then it would be helpful to already be in that mindset and go for the security+....

    Can anyone who has taken both net+ and security+ confirm or deny this?
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