Passed (first time) Today.

josephandrejosephandre Member Posts: 315 ■■■■□□□□□□
Hey guys,

Just wanted to take a moment to join in the fesitivities with the other handful that passed the exam today.
it's been about six hours since I finished and it still hasn't quite set in. I feel more relieved that I didn't fail, than really feeling like I passed. What a wild ride.

I've been studying off and on for about 6 months. I started with a TERRIBLE prep course through UMUC which was essentially reading the AIO and watching a collection of shoddy youtube videos. At least it got me to sit down and thoroughly read the text though. Aside from that, I read the first few chapters of the 11th hour study guide, which did seem really informative, but I just put it down one day and never picked it back up.

Far and away my favorite method of studying was watching the CBT nuggets videos. The instructor, Keith Barker, is about as
energetic and enthusiastic as they come. Really held my interest and made it an engaging experience that I didn't get sick of.

Other than that I just quizzed quizzed quizzed with CCCURE, McGraw-Hill, and Transcender. I liked them all quite a bit, but feel
like the most helpful was the Transcender. It had the hardest questions, the most comprehensive answers, and questions seemed
most similar to the exam. Lastly two days ago I printed out the sunflower PDF and took a highlighter to it to mark my trouble
areas. That felt like it really got my over the final hump.

I don't know that I've seen this mentioned, or if it's frowned upon but I reviewed a few things like EAL levels and Orange book models that I was still having some trouble with in the car before heading in. As soon as I got to my table wrote down whatever I could remember on my scratch paper lol.

Anyway, the test wasn't any harder or easier than I expected, it felt exactly like I thought it would. I just maintained a positive
attitude even when I felt like I wasn't doing so well, and never got distracted by pessimism and.... I passed!

Best... Feeling... Ever.

Congrats to everyone else who pased today, and good luck to those taking it soon!


  • josephandrejosephandre Member Posts: 315 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Completely forgot to say thank you to this forum. Honestly think if not for reading these threads, hearing the encouragement and detailed study methods and consistent motivation and positive reinforcement, that I wouldn't have had the courage to try it.

    You guys are amazing and Im really thankful to have found this site and all of you wonderful nerds.
  • VeeiVeei Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Congratz!!!! It's such a great feeling, isn't it? I had bought the 11th hour book pdf version and had the Kindle app on my iPhone before I headed into the test and smoked my last cig. I was going over those BDP terms and procedures and SDLC procedures to try to have them fresh when I sat down. Happy for ya!
  • successrealmsuccessrealm Member Posts: 104 ■■□□□□□□□□
  • josephandrejosephandre Member Posts: 315 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Thanks guys. I can't believe it!!!!!
  • shamim.secshamim.sec Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Congrts... Such a great achivement.
  • thehayn1thehayn1 Member Posts: 46 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thank you for letting us know that the Transcender (Im using the ones on the CBT nugget site) were the hardest because they are stumping the ___ outta me! The Software Development Security portion seems like the real test as in, it is all over the place! Viruses, Databases, Lifecycles, etc. Man I hope the test doesnt go as in depth as these questions or Im screwed. lol
  • H3||scr3amH3||scr3am Member Posts: 564 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Congratulations on passing the CISSP/SSCP!
  • papadocpapadoc Member Posts: 154
    Congrats! Your experience sounds very similar to mine. I really felt that Transcender helped me a lot during my studying.
  • mjsinhsvmjsinhsv Member Posts: 167
    Congratulations !!
    Welcome to the nerd-herd as well. ;)
  • rickberrrickberr Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Congratulations!!! The feeling of accomplishment you have now will last at least a few more days, trust me.
  • chickenlicken09chickenlicken09 Member Posts: 537 ■■■■□□□□□□
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