Just passed the SSCP

R6RavenR6Raven Member Posts: 28 ■■■□□□□□□□
Long-time lurker, first time poster. While preparing and studying for the SSCP, one of my biggest issues was the complete lack of resources compared to other exams. When I studied for the CCNA I had every imaginable option at my finger tips. Now, not so much. One of the best resources I had was this site, so time to pay it forward. I just passed this exam a few hours ago after deciding to cram it in before the changes coming in a few days.

Note: For anyone looking for specific information about the exam, content, question types, important domains to focus on, etc. this post is not for you. I studied for quite a while (on and off, 2 years) and worked very hard to pas the test and am not planning to soil it so quickly.

That being said, the hardest thing I faced was finding good study material. The options are simply limited for this exam. Of the material I picked up:

- The CISSP Official Guide: Not the SSCP, but the CISSP because I plan to take this test next. I horribly dry and uninteresting book that I hope to replace with something better for the actual CISSP. I made it through the first chapter - barely - and didn't pick it back up.

- CBTNuggets SSCP: I stated with these videos a little over a year ago and they were quite good, if you planned to take the exam in '08. The material it presented was helpful, but not enough to feel confident in the current exam. If you have free access to these throguh work they are still worth your time, but I wouldn't pay out of pocket for them.

- Darril Gibson AIO - Without a doubt the best study and reference material I used. His points were quick, to the point, and little fluff. Just what I needed. My company uses a subscription to SafariBooksOnline.com, so this was no cost.

- LearnKey Master Exam: Provided as part of the AIO. Consists of 125 practice questions that are easier in my opinion than the actual exam, but very good for determining your comfort with the actual fundamentals. If you try these and struggle, read the AIO one more time. If you can asnwer these with confidence, and explain why the other answers are not correct, you're doing well.

- StudiScope Practice Exams: I bought all three, because if I'm going to pay just short of $1 a question it may as well be at a discount. Cheap? No. Useful? Very much. The actual content was a bit vague in some areas, but it helped me understand how ISC^2 would phrase the questions, and knowing this influenced me on several occasions to change answers just before moving on. Questions that I know I would have missed otherwise.

- I tried watching some of the Shon Harris SSCP videos, but she has what I'll call an "interesting" approach - one that I'll revisit for the CISSP, but not what I was after this time 'round.

For the record, I have about 8 years IT experience in various support and Windows-type roles, transiting into networking 2 years ago. All of this was also an immense help.

I'm looking forward now to the CISSP and the challenges it will present, but for those hoping to obtain the SSCP I hope this helps just a little bit. Now to submit my paperwork and get the official title!

Good luck everyone.


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