can you have duplicate password policies??

SmallguySmallguy Member Posts: 597
I'm almost certian I have done this before(can't remember how throughly I tested it) but I can't get 2 different pasword policies(gropu policies) to work as desired.

what I'm trying to do is

set a default domain policy with a 8 character minimum for the password.

then create a group policy in th e Ou called "managers" that specifies managers must have a min password length of 10 char.

I have run gpupdate /force and gpupdate /sync

as well as rebooted but I am stil allowed passwords on 8 characters in the Managers OU

am I doing something wrong or is this just impossiable??

BTW this is on a standalone server I'm playing with for class.


  • eurotrasheurotrash Member Posts: 817
    the default domain policy will not affect a standalone server.

    did you actually put the managers group in the managers OU?
    witty comment
  • SmallguySmallguy Member Posts: 597
    no I did not crete a group inside of the OU originally

    but I just tried doing it and still no luck
  • eurotrasheurotrash Member Posts: 817
    well you can't have a policy like that anyway, password policies are applied domain-wide. though you can have a different local policy, which will affect all local users, but that will be overridden by the domain policy (if the comp is a member of a domain).

    either way regardless of the policy, you must have some sort of object inside the OU that will be affected, because the OU itself is just a container.
    witty comment
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