Sitting My 70-687 Exam Tomorrow - Freaking Out a Little Bit!

Hi guys,
Kinda wish I'd joined this forum earlier! It's nice to see a support network of people sitting exams.
So I've been studying for the 70-687 exam for a while now.
In the last month or so I've been studying a lot when I come home from work and in the weekends. It has been really draining and while I'm happy to be on the home stretch, I'm also scared stiff that the exam is tomorrow!
I've used mixed resources included the microsoft press Configuring Windows 8.1 study book, CBT nuggets and practice tests, with a little Microsoft Virtual Lab for anything I thought might be useful.
Practice tests have been good, but still I am unsure whether I am on track to pass.
Anyone got any advise for me on my last day of study? I want to spend most of today chilling to give my brain a bit of a rest so I start fresh tomorrow.
Kinda wish I'd joined this forum earlier! It's nice to see a support network of people sitting exams.
So I've been studying for the 70-687 exam for a while now.

I've used mixed resources included the microsoft press Configuring Windows 8.1 study book, CBT nuggets and practice tests, with a little Microsoft Virtual Lab for anything I thought might be useful.
Practice tests have been good, but still I am unsure whether I am on track to pass.
Anyone got any advise for me on my last day of study? I want to spend most of today chilling to give my brain a bit of a rest so I start fresh tomorrow.
XxNooniexX Member Posts: 38 ■■□□□□□□□□
lauraexplorer6 wrote: »Hi guys,
Kinda wish I'd joined this forum earlier! It's nice to see a support network of people sitting exams.
So I've been studying for the 70-687 exam for a while now.In the last month or so I've been studying a lot when I come home from work and in the weekends. It has been really draining and while I'm happy to be on the home stretch, I'm also scared stiff that the exam is tomorrow!
I've used mixed resources included the microsoft press Configuring Windows 8.1 study book, CBT nuggets and practice tests, with a little Microsoft Virtual Lab for anything I thought might be useful.
Practice tests have been good, but still I am unsure whether I am on track to pass.
Anyone got any advise for me on my last day of study? I want to spend most of today chilling to give my brain a bit of a rest so I start fresh tomorrow.
Hi Laura,
First of all, best of luck for your exam tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll do really well - you’ll have to tell us how you get on. I think your plan of unwinding a bit is actually a good idea. If you plan to do any studying today, I would make it light as you might make yourself a little nervous for tomorrow. Just relax a bit and prepare yourself as best you for tomorrow. I’d go onto Microsoft’s website and take a look at all of the possible question styles that they could use to test you, just so you know what to expect but other than that, I wouldn’t go overkill on the studying today.
When you get in tomorrow, the main thing to do is try your best not to panic. It all seems really overwhelming especially when you sit down and you find a question that you can’t answer (and be prepared for this, I don’t think there’s anybody who hasn’t been down that road - I know the last exam I took, I went in and the very first question was one I couldn’t answer and that set me off to an uneasy start but I passed in the end). Just be sure to read the questions carefully and try to get an idea as to what they’re asking and if you don’t know a question, try to eliminate any answers that you know are wrong and have a guess. Always have a guess if you are unsure, there’s always a chance you could be right and in some questions, you may get partial credit for right answers (nobody knows exactly how Microsoft marks their question so I can’t promise anything but…) be sure to give everything a go and don’t go to pieces if you come across areas you don’t know. Also remember that the pass score for the exam is 700/1000 - nobody knows exactly what that means, it could mean 70% or maybe even lower, either way though when you put it into prospective it indicates that you don’t have to be exceptional to pass, give yourself comfort in that.
Good Luck!!