
Seeking advice regarding career?

itstudent10itstudent10 Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey all I know this is probably a repetitive scenario since I've been reading a few threads similar to this lately (and also posted one myself a while back but no one responded icon_sad.gif ), but I thought I would ask the question again since I'm also seeking some advice on my career -

To start off, I'm a security analyst and have been for a few months now - this is my first security position following a sysadmin job out of college - but I have been regretting my move into this new position since my first month in the position. I decided to wait it out and see if things would get better in terms of the day-to-day work, but I'm doing a lot of compliance "check mark" and enforcement work (emailing people telling them to patch this and that etc.). I knew the role coming in wasn't going to be as interesting as my old job as sysadmin, but I thought of it as a foot in the door to get into network security later on. Now, I'm thinking about going back into sysadmin, but I wasn't keen on the on-call aspect of the job and I only have 2 years of experience working with Linux, so I'm still fresh in that area also.

In a nutshell:

My old job:
Pros - Linux, interesting, technical, more sense of accomplishment
Cons - 24/7 on call (This is one of those important ones for me)

My new job:
Pros - Being in the security field (that's it really), 9-5
Cons - Not interesting, I don't feel like I'm learning anything at this point besides emailing people all day enforcing requirements and deadlines to meet requirements, I don't like my main job responsibilities period - I'm earning money but not growing (I know that sounds crazy, but I do want to enjoy work at the same time, I dread work at the moment).

I've probably answered my own question, but what can I do at this point? I think the answer would be easier if I could be a sysadmin but not have to worry about on-call or work in a place where on-call is rare. My problem is that I go out of state on weekends to visit family and I don't want work to compromise that (some people might not understand this, but I do enjoy that time with them since I don't have that during the week). I don't mind working late nights Monday to Friday, that doesn't concern me at all.

Are there any other positions in IT that don't require on-call or it's rare/a once in a while thing? (I've seen some threads mention engineering but skill-wise, I'm not there yet.)

PS I did read this thread before posting.

Any response would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone
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