
Good come back

darkeriesdarkeries Banned Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello Everyone,

How does someone make a good come back from after being down,i was unemployed after working close to 5 years,

recently got a job and its not challenging at all and i am bored even though i was making 30 percent more..

Has anyone faced this before and how did you all make it back to the top?

Or are all IT professionals here just had a ride to the top with no downs?


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    IristheangelIristheangel Mod Posts: 4,133 Mod
    I'm not sure what your experience or CV looks like so I can't say with certainty why things have gone the way they've gone for you. I can only give you some general recommendations.

    As far as your questions, most of my life slumps happened before I came into IT and that probably shaped my OCD-like work ethic. I experienced the worst of it personally and financially prior to my career in IT so when I started out, I pretty much was operating on fear of ever being in a situation as bad as what I came from. I made crap for pay on my first IT job but I knew if I learned more and could demonstrate that I knew what I was talking about in an interview, I could get a better job so I started studying and got some basic certifications. Between learning as much as I can and really knowing when to leave a job and taking the best jobs for me, that's pretty much what's helped me.

    Again, I don't know you circumstances or experience but my suggestion is to find a niche specialization that you enjoy doing, harvest that skill and find a way to show it on your resume. There's a lot of Microsoft admins or general route/switch engineers out there but not as many people who are truly great at voice, ISE, NSX, ACI, Openstack, etc. Even having an understanding and knowledge of those technologies will help you open doors to getting jobs that will give you that experience. After you have experience in those hot technologies, it gets better from there.

    There could be other factors like CV, location, personal hygiene, wardrobe, professionalism, etc. Not saying these are specific to you but you'd be surprised the things that some people don't think about.
    BS, MS, and CCIE #50931
    Blog: www.network-node.com
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    GreaterNinjaGreaterNinja Member Posts: 271
    1. Dust yourself off and get back up.
    2. Slam that tequila shot.
    3. Put on your party panties
    4. Repeat.

    Making it to the top requires good attitude, failure, humility, time, patience, and investment in yourself. Be prepared to have to prove yourself all over again. I recommend you try to keep a positive attitude and continue to invest in yourself.
    For myself, the top was to make over 100k/yr and become well respected at the company. Once I accomplished this, the top became arbitrary and trivial because I still realized I was not coming close to my full potential. I was rather overworked and bored.
    Things like innovation, learning, professional growth, health, my time, and passion became more of the top.
    I guess the thing to take away is only you can choose your attitude and “top”.
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