
New opportunity after starting new position...

TechWazeTechWaze Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi again!

I started a thread a couple months ago about salary expectations for my new job. I've accepted the offer and have been working at my new company for one week. Today, I received an email (LinkedIn) from a new recruiter at a different company and I almost passed out. It's been my dream to work for this company since I was a kid. I literally can't believe they reached out to me...I have not applied for any positions with them as I never thought I was good enough. Reading their Glassdoor interview process is very off-putting, but they reached out to me, so they must see something they like.

So, I accepted the initial phone interview and I was wondering how to broach the subject of being at my current company for only a week... if it comes up? IMO, this potential offer is a once in a lifetime opportunity...for me. I'd be crazy to pass this up. However, I don't think it looks good considering I've only been working at my current company for a week. I've had other recruiters reach out since accepting my current job offer, but nothing compares to this. Please help me..


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    cyberguyprcyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 Mod
    I don't see the problem. They will most likely don't like it and take may even take it personal. Should that stop you from getting your dream job? Heck no!!! Life is short. Do what makes you happy. You don't owe anyone anything. It's just business.
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    J_86J_86 Member Posts: 262 ■■□□□□□□□□
    It sounds like you pretty much already answered this yourself. If working for this company is your dream position, go for it. I would make sure you have an offer letter before you let your current company know. Just be honest with them and tell them this position and working for this company is your dream and it not something you can pass up. That's life, sometimes you have to tell people things they don't want to hear but in the end you have to do what is going to make you happy.
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    TechWazeTechWaze Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the responses! Specifically, how do I bring it up to the recruiter? I haven't updated it in my resume on LinkedIn yet...so they don't know I have a new position. I don't want them to think I like to job hop....I was at my last company for three years until we found out our contract was ending.
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    GreaterNinjaGreaterNinja Member Posts: 271
    If its google, then you only get 2-3 chances tops. But then again, I've only heard of Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook recruiting on linkedIn.
    Anyway, I say go for it. Pursue your dreams and don't pass it up.
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    MeanDrunkR2D2MeanDrunkR2D2 Member Posts: 899 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Think of it this way... How often does your "dream" job/company reach out to you? And of course, there is no guarantee that you would get that job. As far as how to bring this to the recruiter that contacted you, you could either not mention that you just started this job, or you could be honest and tell him that you did recently start working for a new company and weren't considering any others and wouldn't, unless it was for your goal job/company to be a part of and that company is it. Either way, go for it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. :)
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    zxbanezxbane Member Posts: 740 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I agree with Cyber, if this is your dream job there is no question what to do.
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    dave330idave330i Member Posts: 2,091 ■■■■■■■■■■
    So it's your dream company, but is it a dream job as well?
    2018 Certification Goals: Maybe VMware Sales Cert
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    MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Tell the recruiter that you just started a job but this is a dream opportunity and you can't pass up learning more about it. That's all you need.
    My blog http://www.calegp.com

    You may learn something!
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    MooseboostMooseboost Member Posts: 778 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I left my last job because of an I.T opportunity. Was my last company upset? Absolutely, my boss was floored. However, you can't let your dream pass you by. I would at least take a look at it.
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    TechWazeTechWaze Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Mishra wrote: »
    Tell the recruiter that you just started a job but this is a dream opportunity and you can't pass up learning more about it. That's all you need.

    Thanks for all the responses. Thank you Mishra especially. I don't really care how my current company feels, I just didn't want to look bad with the new recruiter. I will try to develop a way to explain how much the opportunity means to me if they ask about my current employment. Thanks!!!
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,567 Mod
    I'm not sure which company you're talking about, but in IT I don't think we have once in a life time opportunity. Upskill and you can get a job there anytime you want. Do the interview, just tell the recruiter what you told us here "it's my dream company and that's why I'm doing the interview..."..if they like it, cool, if not...then stay in your new job, up-skill, and keep applying for your dream company (or other dream companies).

    I honestly can't see how IT work can be different in different companies. So Google has a ping pong table and some cool offices? you're still doing IT...

    Learn GRC! GRC Mastery : https://grcmastery.com 

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    BlackBeretBlackBeret Member Posts: 683 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Why mention this position at all? If they ask what you're doing now don't lie, but if it were me I wouldn't even count working somewhere for a week as employment for current or future interviews.
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