How similar is 70-270 to 70-290?
Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
I've been reading through my Sybex book on the 70-290 exam and it doesn't feel like I've learned anything yet. I have 2 chapters remaining.
I've done the questions in the back of the chapters and haven't had any problems. Is the 290 exam that different from 270? I know on the 290 there are simulations which I haven't practiced yet. What are the sims like?
I've done the questions in the back of the chapters and haven't had any problems. Is the 290 exam that different from 270? I know on the 290 there are simulations which I haven't practiced yet. What are the sims like?
eurotrash Member Posts: 817well instead of clicking a checkbox by the correct answer, you are given a "real windows screen" and have to "do" the answers.
and the 290 overlaps somewhat with the 270.witty comment -
AnthonyJD81 Member Posts: 187There are typically only 4 simulation questions on the 290 series exams.
The 270 exam is relatively simple. They focus a lot of Remote Desktop and permissions (at least on my exam).
290 focuses a lot on AD...know how to configure user accounts and create shares and configure their file and share permissions. There was also many questions on WSUS. I did have one simulation question dealing with a WSUS server which was pretty simple.
there were also many questions on the 290 where you click and drag the boxes into the appropriate spaces. not really a simulation but it does require you to know the question well because they won't indicate how many boxes or in which order they should go...thats up to you.
Good luck on the exam, you'll do ok if you prepare yourself in guidelines with the objectives outlined on Microsoft's website