
How to get Professional References with Very Little Experience

hiddenknight821hiddenknight821 Member Posts: 1,209 ■■■■■■□□□□
I was applying online for a job I would really like to have, and then I ran into the reference requirements bottleneck. I truly despise online job applications asking for references, especially for entry-level positions.

I don't have a lot of years behind me. I've been at my current position for almost 2 years, and we're not allowed to have our bosses/supervisors listed as our references. I was told we can only listed the HR. I've been unemployed for roughly a year and half before getting this job. My last job lasted me a month. Six months before that one, I just completed a 3-month summer internship. I don't think they'd be interested in getting references from those places.

The application is strictly asking for professional references from my bosses that I've been with for at least a year. They made it clear that they don't want character references.

Have you guys dealt with this before? Are many jobs really that firm on references, or are they just red-tape crap that we can white-lie our way out? I personally believe references should be only required for high-salary positions requiring years of experiences.

As bad as this sounds, I feel I have to "lie" on the application, so I can bypass this stupid requirement and clarify this in person later during the interview since the application won't let me complete the application without listing the references, but I'm afraid they'll still hold that against me later.


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    IIIMasterIIIMaster Member Posts: 238 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yeah go back to your prior employers and internships. Request a letter of recommendation or ask if it OK to list them as a reference. Every time I leave a job a ask for that letter.
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