CISSP Exam Questions Vs Online exam questions comparison
Hello All,
Recently I started reading for CISSP exam. Targeting for Sept end. So, far have completed 4 Chapters in CISSP AIO by Shon Harris, before purchasing any paid practice exam questions, am practicing with available question like Mc Graw Hill question for each domain, Total Tester of AIO and chapter ending questions. Am scoring around 70-80% in the exams. Only in Cryptography I scored 90%, but in network security least like 70%.
Is my preparation going well and up to the mark? am I up to the level or Still improve a lot. Anyway in one or two weeks time am planning to buy CCCure paid practice questions to improve further.
But IMP question in my mind is are real exam questions similar to these questions which I practiced till now or CCCure?
AM not asking like same question from these databases. At least similar to those. Like if I can score 70-80% here, so at least I can pass the exam in real exam. Everyone is telling its very tricky. So its totally different from these questions?
am using CISSP AIO, Cybrary videos and sometimes CBT nuggets and CISSP study guide 2nd edition by Eric Conrad.
Please help me to prepare well and feel comfort before taking the exam..
thanks for your replies in Advance.
Recently I started reading for CISSP exam. Targeting for Sept end. So, far have completed 4 Chapters in CISSP AIO by Shon Harris, before purchasing any paid practice exam questions, am practicing with available question like Mc Graw Hill question for each domain, Total Tester of AIO and chapter ending questions. Am scoring around 70-80% in the exams. Only in Cryptography I scored 90%, but in network security least like 70%.
Is my preparation going well and up to the mark? am I up to the level or Still improve a lot. Anyway in one or two weeks time am planning to buy CCCure paid practice questions to improve further.
But IMP question in my mind is are real exam questions similar to these questions which I practiced till now or CCCure?
AM not asking like same question from these databases. At least similar to those. Like if I can score 70-80% here, so at least I can pass the exam in real exam. Everyone is telling its very tricky. So its totally different from these questions?
am using CISSP AIO, Cybrary videos and sometimes CBT nuggets and CISSP study guide 2nd edition by Eric Conrad.
Please help me to prepare well and feel comfort before taking the exam..
thanks for your replies in Advance.
TechGuru80 Member Posts: 1,539 ■■■■■■□□□□
Generally the well known practice tests seem to do a good job of gauging where somebody is at for these type of exams. Does that mean there could be harder questions? Absolutely but if you are scoring well and constantly review why your answers are wrong and why others are correct then you have no reason to worry. -
kukku Member Posts: 130 ■■□□□□□□□□
no shortcuts for CISSP exam. You need to study well and prepare well. What I meant is , you should have to study all the CISSP domains by reading chapters, watching tutorials.. Then comes preparation. You have to go through different questions to have a knowledge gap analysis. It is important to read the explanation when you practice questions..That will help you to understand why that option/answer is correct. But never expect a single question you practiced before for the exam..You need to understand the concepts..Having taken more than 50 online certification exam, this is my take..You need to plan for a good time management as well for the exam..6 hours is so long..but utilize those 6 hours well..