This is to the guy that calls into Support needing help

Codeman6669Codeman6669 Member Posts: 227
For the guy that calls into support requesting help because their network dosnt work correctly:

1. You need my help, there for listen to what I say. I fix things for a living, YOU configure them.
2. If your network is not moving efficiently, and I suggest VLANS and you say VLANS are "bad". YOU are the problem
3. If you have a CCNP, and a CCNA shows you up, you write a nice letter to that CCNA's boss telling him how bad ass he is
4. Managed switches are not "bad" to have on a network.
5. Want to learn what I know? Read a book.
6. If your the type to get mad when networks dont work, and your job is to work on networks, quit. Just quit. This isnt for you.

Anyone else? Surely im not hte only one LOL icon_cool.gif


  • thatguy67thatguy67 Member Posts: 344 ■■■■□□□□□□
    lol. Did something happen today?
    2017 Goals: []PCNSE7 []CCNP:Security []CCNP:R&S []LCDE []WCNA
  • echo_time_catecho_time_cat Member Posts: 74 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Yes. Even better when these angry types demand a conference call between yourself and whatever other third party they are trying to drag into the mess they've either created or imagined.
  • InfoTech92InfoTech92 Member Posts: 75 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I feel like sometimes people that are higher up have to feel superior. There's no one that knows everything, not even a CCNP. If someone below them says something they don't like, they freak out.
  • N2ITN2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
    They dismiss you like you are nothing. I has a senior business analyst do that to me a few years ago. There was a data related issue and I completely nailed it, but he didn't think that was the case. :/ It ended up being the case, never got a thanks or anything. To Info's point they just can't admit you have skills.
  • DevilWAHDevilWAH Member Posts: 2,997 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Much as a agree with the "high up people have to feel superior", there is a lot of entry level engineers who are as bad of if not worse thinking they know it all and try running before they can walk. Like the CCNA who has learnt about STP and sundly is the worlds leading expert on it and telling every one how the senior network engineers have got it all set up wrong.

    I have a really simple working practice, I do things how I think they should be done and I hold my hand up when I make a mistake. Happy to take time helping those junior to me and put forward ideas to people more senior. Dont moan about collages, there will always be some idiots you work with, you don't demonstrate how go you are by talking down or showing others up. And if your boss or work does not reconlise you input, then find a new job until either you realise you are not as good as you thought, or you find a company that see how good you are.
    • If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
    • An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties. It means that its going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.
  • EdificerEdificer Member Posts: 187 ■■■□□□□□□□
    This whole superiority attitude thing confuses and infuriates me. I am on the receiver end of this as well. I'm more concerned to why the person believes he is more superior. Psychic / Supernatural powers? Or have exceeded any other boundaries of what we know? Serious delusions.
    “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Confucius
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