
RC4 - Stream or Block Cipher?

Arnie335Arnie335 Member Posts: 63 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi - Been studying for my CEH and got a practice test question wrong regarding RC4 (TotalTester Digital from Matt Walker AIO). I could have swore I read while studying for SSCP that RC4 is a Stream Cipher but in Matt Walker's AIO book, he states that RC4 is a Block cipher.

So I did some Googling and even Wikipedia shows RC4 as a stream..

"In cryptography, RC4 (Rivest Cipher 4 also known as ARC4 or ARCFOUR meaning Alleged RC4, see below) is the most widely used software stream cipher"

So.. why is Matt and his practice tests (including his digital TotalTester practice exam) showing this as a Block cipher? Am I missing something?


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