
Which Job?

Justin-Justin- Member Posts: 300
Hi everyone,

Recently I made a thread about a Skype interview I've had, and it went great. I got a job offer from them. It's for an IT Support internship. It is for a IT Consultant company.

Thing is...

I also got a job offer from IBM as well. Also IT Support internship position.

I'm looking over the responsibilities of the work, and what I would be doing and they are nearly the same. I'm just wondering what would be a better offer to accept? I'm looking at IBM and it's a huge company, and would look great on my resume. But I'm thinking that I would get more hands on experience with the IT Consultant company. I'm kind of confused here, and I have to decide by Monday. Can anyone provide any tips?

I'm not too worried about salary right now, I just want to get the most experience as I can through these internships, and then focus on that $$$ once I graduate Uni.

Thanks for anyone who replies.




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    coreyb80coreyb80 Member Posts: 647 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Personally, I would go with IBM due to the name as well there is a possibility of working with some great technologies. Just my personal opinion.
    WGU BS - Network Operations and Security
    Completion Date: May 2021
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    Justin-Justin- Member Posts: 300
    coreyb80 wrote: »
    Personally, I would go with IBM due to the name as well there is a possibility of working with some great technologies. Just my personal opinion.

    Cheers, thanks for your reply.
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    kurosaki00kurosaki00 Member Posts: 973
    Both $$$$ offers are the same? What about commute?
    If both are very similar, I guess IBM would be my choice too
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    networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    I've never been a fan of working in huge companies.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
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    Justin-Justin- Member Posts: 300
    So I don't know what the salary is at IBM yet, (they'll send me the salary if I accept it in the job offer package), but like I said, I'm not too worried about the salary yet.

    Anyone who actually worked at IBM or is working there right now?

    Thanks guys !! :D
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    gespensterngespenstern Member Posts: 1,243 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I wouldn't go to IBM, it's a troubled company laying off people all the time and losing money for x quarters in a row. There are horrible stories on the Internet on how they treat their employees and their customers .

    People here say that it is a name to be recognized on your resume but I perceive it as an opposite. Unless you want to have a career in IBM technologies such as Power systems or System Z, both are shrinking for x number of years, I'd skip IBM.
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    Khaos1911Khaos1911 Member Posts: 366
    Wait, they want you to accept the job offer BEFORE telling you what your wage/salary is?!?! Bro, you can get experience without getting jerked around.
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    Justin-Justin- Member Posts: 300
    Please note this is an internship position. Not a full time position, just for 4 months. But yea, they haven't told me what the salary is.
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    Khaos1911Khaos1911 Member Posts: 366
    My first IT gig was a paid internship and they let me know what I was making before I accepted the offer. You kids today, boy...Good luck.
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    kurosaki00kurosaki00 Member Posts: 973
    Justin- wrote: »
    Please note this is an internship position. Not a full time position, just for 4 months. But yea, they haven't told me what the salary is.

    So maybe it's non paid? What about expenses like gas n stuff?
    Also, what about the commute? Which one is offering you better duties, cooler stuff? More hands on?
    Go with the one that is best for you.
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    bloodshotbettybloodshotbetty Member Posts: 215
    Who did you get a better "vibe" from? Did you mesh personality wise with one over the other? Since it is an internship on both ends, with similar job tasks, you probably can't go wrong with either. It's short term and won't be your forever job.

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    Justin-Justin- Member Posts: 300
    To be honest, the IBM interview went really good and I really like the fact that once you're an employee there, you get access to the IBM social network comprised of nearly 400k IBM employees worldwide. So networking and talking with IBM'ers worldwide would be pretty sweet as well.
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    tpasmalltpasmall Member Posts: 52 ■■□□□□□□□□
    My wife's cousin works for IBM and it's a hassle. They have him supporting Lotus and routinely cut his hours so they don't have to pay full benefits. He makes good money and teleworks 5 days a week, but he still hates it.
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    Mike-MikeMike-Mike Member Posts: 1,860
    if it is just a 4 month internship, I say IBM all the way
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