New to IT, but pursuing a MSIT. Suggestions on Possible job prospects. Advice in Gen

newgodflow1911newgodflow1911 Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Good Evening All,

I know you guys get tired of these threads, but after searching (and lurking) extensively I could not find the answer to my question. A little background, I'm essentially new to the IT field. However, I have a little knowledge in regards to the configuration of hardware and such. I was on a trajectory to go to law school after Undergrad, but that changed swiftly and I ended up doing help desk support for a law-firm, which prompted me to check out pursuing IT as a career.

Okay, so now I am in grad school at a B&M pursuing my Graduate in IT with a concentration in Information Security. I'm working on completing my A+ cert, but i'm stumped in the next step to go afterwards. After doing my due diligence on this forum, I think I would like to pursue obtaining my CEH, S+, MCSA, and ACMT. icon_confused.gif I am all over the place, but that's what I came to you guys for. Also, what do you guys think would be some career options after completing my degree?

I value any input and just wanted to say this message board is awesome!


  • beadsbeads Member Posts: 1,531 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Sounds as though you haven't developed any real strong preference for any one sub-discipline in IT one way or another. What jobs do you possibly have access to while pursuing your Master's? Computer Lab? Help Desk, etc. What is your undergrad major and minor? Is there any interest in a cross over roll? What lead you to studying IT at the Master's level? Usually someone starts with IT and gets a MBA or Security Master's is why I am asking for more information.

    Or perhaps you just want "a job" in IT. Which is fine. IT in general has always been a difficult field to initially break into but in this unique case a little more information would help the board make some recommendations.

    - b/eads
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