CCNP R&S Journey
Cisco Inferno Member Posts: 1,034 ■■■■■■□□□□good luck!
you mentioned you originally took a break from CCNA to start studying CCNP.
were you already in the field? how hard was the review for you?2019 Goals
CompTIA Linux+[ ] Bachelor's Degree -
MAC_Addy Member Posts: 1,740 ■■■■□□□□□□Good luck on the test! I am having to re-take CCNA since mine expired a couple of years ago. I just bought the book to review all the topics. I'll be jumping on the CCNP R&S straight after.2017 Certification Goals:
shyguyIT Member Posts: 380Thank you Cisco Inferno! I was not in the field till recently about a month or so ago. I did not find the review too hard I think even if you are not in networking as long as you lab you'll be fine.2017 Goals:
Route[X], Switch [], TSHOOT[] -
shortstop20 Member Posts: 161 ■■■□□□□□□□CCNA Security - 6/11/2018
CCNP TShoot - 3/7/2018
CCNP Route - 1/31/2018
CCNP Switch - 12/10/2015
CCNA R/S - 1/14/2015 -
shyguyIT Member Posts: 380Thanks! I'd say don't take the topics that have less weight for granted it seemed like I got tested on alot of those topics. As long as you understand the concepts and lab them out it is a pretty fair test with a couple gotchas.2017 Goals:
Route[X], Switch [], TSHOOT[] -
negru_tudor Member Posts: 473 ■■■□□□□□□□Nice work!2017-2018 goals:
[X] CIPTV2 300-075
[ ] SIP School SSCA
[X] CCNP Switch 300-115 [X] CCNP Route 300-101 [X] CCNP Tshoot 300-135
[ ] LPIC1-101 [ ] LPIC1-102 (wishful thinking)