Gear questions from a non-networking guy
Hello, I have a home lab which I've built over the years to include 2 HP 24 port gigabit switches and a pfSense box I'd like to replace with Cisco gear.
I'm looking at 2x used Cisco 3750g-24T-S and a ASA 5510.
My reasons for this is to standardize my networking gear since I do work with Cisco gear at work.
A few questions:
1. Can I turn off POE on a 3750g to lower power use at the wall? I am not at the point where I want to mess with VOIP or cameras, but if I'm buying a 3750g it would be nice to have a POE for future uses.
2. I saw the ASA 5510 is recommended for R&S and also can do IPS. Are there any gotchas I should care about when deciding on a model? I would like to setup VPN as well.
3. In addition to the above hardware, other than an additional 5510, would I need anything else for a CCNA/P lab if I got bored?
At work I have access to a slew of Cisco gear up to 7Ks, but I don't have the time to mess with it in a lab setting. I can do basic configuration, TACACS, vlans, and IP for getting gear on the network.
I'm looking at 2x used Cisco 3750g-24T-S and a ASA 5510.
My reasons for this is to standardize my networking gear since I do work with Cisco gear at work.
A few questions:
1. Can I turn off POE on a 3750g to lower power use at the wall? I am not at the point where I want to mess with VOIP or cameras, but if I'm buying a 3750g it would be nice to have a POE for future uses.
2. I saw the ASA 5510 is recommended for R&S and also can do IPS. Are there any gotchas I should care about when deciding on a model? I would like to setup VPN as well.
3. In addition to the above hardware, other than an additional 5510, would I need anything else for a CCNA/P lab if I got bored?
At work I have access to a slew of Cisco gear up to 7Ks, but I don't have the time to mess with it in a lab setting. I can do basic configuration, TACACS, vlans, and IP for getting gear on the network.
clarson Member Posts: 903 ■■■■□□□□□□
Hello, I have a home lab which I've built over the years to include 2 HP 24 port gigabit switches and a pfSense box I'd like to replace with Cisco gear.
I'm looking at 2x used Cisco 3750g-24T-S and a ASA 5510.
My reasons for this is to standardize my networking gear since I do work with Cisco gear at work.
A few questions:
1. Can I turn off POE on a 3750g to lower power use at the wall? I am not at the point where I want to mess with VOIP or cameras, but if I'm buying a 3750g it would be nice to have a POE for future uses.
2. I saw the ASA 5510 is recommended for R&S and also can do IPS. Are there any gotchas I should care about when deciding on a model? I would like to setup VPN as well.
3. In addition to the above hardware, other than an additional 5510, would I need anything else for a CCNA/P lab if I got bored?
At work I have access to a slew of Cisco gear up to 7Ks, but I don't have the time to mess with it in a lab setting. I can do basic configuration, TACACS, vlans, and IP for getting gear on the network.
2. I saw the ASA 5510 is recommended for R&S. uh, no it isn't. where did you see that?
Are there any gotchas I should care about when deciding on a model? ASA5510 is the model. you've already picked it.
but, there are things like what is the license, what is the version of the software (asa,anyconnect,asdm,etc), what version do you need to use for the test, how much memory does it have, does it have enough memory to run the software you need to use when studying.
3. In addition to the above hardware, Well, you have switches and firewalls. Your studying for a certification in routing and switching. What do you think you need? (hint:routers).
4. if I got bored? but I don't have the time to mess with it if your bored start messing with it. -
GDaines Member Posts: 273 ■■■□□□□□□□
Forgive me if my information is not entirely accurate, I'm just starting out on the CCNA R&S path myself but I've been buying Cisco kit in my job for years so have become pretty familiar with the model numbering system.
I'm pretty sure if you have a WS-C3750G-24T-S that it's not PoE, that would be a WS-C3750G-24PS-S, but it is a gigabit switch which is nice, budgets usually result in labs using 10/100 switches. And I don't know how/where it differs from a newer 60-series switch, hopefully someone will come along with better knowledge shortly.
The ASA5510 is a firewall so as far as I am aware wouldn't be used in the Routing & Switching path so I imagine if it was recommended it was for the Security path. It is the one to have if you're going to do Security after R&S,
You've not mentioned any routers? You'll need some for the Routing & Switching path if you want to get familiar with them. There are two schools of thought with these though, some like myself believe cabling up and messing with the real thing is best, while there are plenty of others quite happy to use emulators.
My personal lab so far contains a 2960 and two 3560 PoE switches, plus an 1841 and two 2811 routers. Since buying my 3560 switches I've learned they only have 16mb flash and so cannot be upgraded to run IOS 15 which needs 32mb, so in future I'm not simply going to look for the cheapest available in my desired model, but instead pay more attention as to whether it's a model that can be upgraded from IOS 12, or even better one already running IOS 15. -
Xavor Member Posts: 161
Thanks for the help!
Is ram upgradeable in the 5510? Is the only difference in feature availability the licensing, or are there hardware differences I would have to look for? -
clarson Member Posts: 903 ■■■■□□□□□□
I'm not sure but I think the asa5510 only has 1 slot for ram. So, when you do an upgrade you are replacing your old ram with a new memory stick. You should have at least 1gb of ram.
yes on the feature availability of licensing (there is also the number of hosts)
there is the ssm that goes into the slot. But, the price sure will be higher if it is there.