Getcertify4Less DON'T valid 2nd chance for Prometric voucher

Beware that if you purchase Thomson Prometric voucher at Getcertify4Less website, it is not valid for a 2nd shot free offer for Microsoft test. My friend purchase this voucher in a haste without reading. Keep your eyes open!
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few" - S.Suzuki


  • skaeightskaeight Member Posts: 130
    What about the VUE vouchers? I bought one of those and when I registered for the test, I first entered the retest promo code, which was then diplayed as the retest promo. However, once I entered my voucher id, any mention of the retest promo was gone.

    I called VUE to try to confirm that they were showing the retest promo, but I think I was talking to someone in India, so I'm not 100% sure she understood what I was asking.

    Anyone have any experience with this?
  • zenboyzenboy Member Posts: 196
    I have the same problem just mins. ago with VUE voucher. I, too went and schedule the test but wasn't sure what to do at the same point you were. I then called Vue call center and was told that you first have to put in your voucher code, then pick a test place for the exam. Then if you need to retest the exam and use the 2nd shot offer, you then HAVE to call Vue call center with your promo code (which you get when you regiser at Microsoft 2nd offer. CODE:24FREE), and give them your code. From there on, you would have to call the same place that you failed the exam (if you did), and inform them of the 2nd offer to re-test. I'm taking it on 03/02/06, thursday. Will let you know what's going on if I shall happen to re-test. Good luck.
    "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few" - S.Suzuki
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