New Job Offer

aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
I've been in my current job for the past year and promoted with a bump in pay after I hit 6 months which was very nice. I came to this position expecting to stay at least 5 years or more if there's growth for me. My prior post I was in place for 8 years and learnt a lot from some exceptionally intelligent people doing some truly mind boggling things. I don't like to jump job to job. However I've been recently contacted by a couple of companies offering me a place with them and more $ of course, better benefits and other perks. They came to me vs me to them which I find very, very flattering. Apparently there's a market for my skill set and a shortage of skills on the ground in this area. I was curious about one of the positions so I enquired about it and met senior staff. They offered me the post plus my asking price to start. I asked something stupid like 40% over what I make now. Really not expecting them to bite and they did! It's not IT proper but doing something I really like and best of all I've a shorter commute etc. So why am I feeling bad at leaving my current job? I like the place, the people, what we do etc. Yet I've this other incredible opportunity that I almost can't believe and a secondary employer offering me a close second in terms of pay/benefits.

To be fair it really is a dream job, everything I could want. I almost feel like what did I do to deserve it. I know what I did.. worked my ass off for 6 years training, learning and doing the job for low pay. I suppose this is the fruits of what I've sown over the years?


  • CodyyCodyy Member Posts: 223 ■■■□□□□□□□
    There's no loyalty when it comes to this stuff, gotta get over that(I know it's difficult). In the end you have to take care of #1, which is yourself and family if you have one.

    Put in a proper notice and make sure they know its nothing personal, you simply have an opportunity to better yourself. They'll understand, if not they're not an employer I'd want to work for anyway.
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Codyy wrote: »
    There's no loyalty when it comes to this stuff, gotta get over that(I know it's difficult). In the end you have to take care of #1, which is yourself and family if you have one.

    Put in a proper notice and make sure they know its nothing personal, you simply have an opportunity to better yourself. They'll understand, if not they're not an employer I'd want to work for anyway.

    I understand that yet still good to work for an organisation that has decent people and good management. When I put in my notice management said they'd do the same if they were me. They also said they look after each other there but when management at head office looks at things they could care less at times about the people, it's all about the $. It's rare to find honesty coming from mid and upper level management.
  • CodyyCodyy Member Posts: 223 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yep working with solid people and management sure makes work more enjoyable, but as you know those people could be gone tomorrow. If we were talking nothing more than an extra thousand dollars a year or so as the only benefit of the new job I'd say nah enjoying where I work is worth more than that. But with the offer you have on the table, you can't pass that up.
  • pinkydapimppinkydapimp Member Posts: 732 ■■■■■□□□□□
    aidan80 wrote: »
    I've been in my current job for the past year and promoted with a bump in pay after I hit 6 months which was very nice. I came to this position expecting to stay at least 5 years or more if there's growth for me. My prior post I was in place for 8 years and learnt a lot from some exceptionally intelligent people doing some truly mind boggling things. I don't like to jump job to job. However I've been recently contacted by a couple of companies offering me a place with them and more $ of course, better benefits and other perks. They came to me vs me to them which I find very, very flattering. Apparently there's a market for my skill set and a shortage of skills on the ground in this area. I was curious about one of the positions so I enquired about it and met senior staff. They offered me the post plus my asking price to start. I asked something stupid like 40% over what I make now. Really not expecting them to bite and they did! It's not IT proper but doing something I really like and best of all I've a shorter commute etc. So why am I feeling bad at leaving my current job? I like the place, the people, what we do etc. Yet I've this other incredible opportunity that I almost can't believe and a secondary employer offering me a close second in terms of pay/benefits.

    To be fair it really is a dream job, everything I could want. I almost feel like what did I do to deserve it. I know what I did.. worked my ass off for 6 years training, learning and doing the job for low pay. I suppose this is the fruits of what I've sown over the years?

    i was in the exact same position about 3 years ago. Leaving was the best move i have made in my career. I loved that place, but i now love my current job and the move helped my career big time. You need to do whats best for you, and this is it. You can still keep in touch with your old coworkers.
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the replies. I always keep in contact with (nice) former coworkers. I enjoy their company as people plus it's always good to network. Even if it's over a beer once in a while. None of us know who we might be working for a year, 5 years from now! I agree this is an incredible opportunity and a strategic move if I do this right. It'll make for an excellent jump onward and upward in my career beyond what I'm doing now. Plus the position being put on the table is a senior position within one of the divisions. It really does give me a place at the table, a voice and the ability to pursue what I believe is best in my area of expertise for the organisation.
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