
pearljampearljam Member Posts: 134

How hard is ICND1? Do you have to to know how to subnet in literally 20 seconds? That is something I need to practice but how can you even be expected to write out the entire range of IP addresses in that amount of time? Other than that what should be expected?

Is it:
33% theory
33% subnetting
33% cli?



  • OctalDumpOctalDump Member Posts: 1,722
    It was about as hard as I expected :)
    If you run through the practical set up of all the objectives, do a bunch of subnetting exercises, and review the common commands and troubleshooting commands, you should be ok. The practical cli stuff wasn't too onerous, but there's also multiple guess on commands. I think that the subnetting stuff was mostly (all?) multiple choice as well, so at least knowing enough to be able to eliminate wrong answers. Also knowing the classes and private/special address ranges.
    The thing to remember is that these certifications are about validating practical skills and knowledge and assume some experience. Packet Tracer is your friend.

    Apparently, the transcender and boson test simulators are good, if you can spare the $80-200ish for the tests.
    2017 Goals - Something Cisco, Something Linux, Agile PM
  • volfkhatvolfkhat Member Posts: 1,075 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Honestly, it felt like a network+ exam.

    As i recall, i had about 30 minutes leftover.

    So... NO, you do NOT need to subnet in 20 seconds or less.

    But you DO need to understand HOW to subnet.

    All i needed to write out was this:
    last-        Block-
        subnet :      size:
    /25    .128        128
    /26    .192        64
    /27    .224        32
    /28    .240        16
    /29    .248        8
    /30    .252        4
    /31    .254        2
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Be careful what you advise. Just because you blew through most of the questions quick doesn't mean others will. Lot's of people with time crunch on these exams. I wouldn't feel comfortable going into any Cisco exam without having subnetting down in your head quick. My $.02 anyway.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • volfkhatvolfkhat Member Posts: 1,075 ■■■■■■■■□□
    perhaps you are right.

    Maybe because i knew how to subnet (in my head)... then that's why i had 30 minutes to SPARE on the exam?

    Fair enough.

    But... i still disagree.

    i used the Magic # method. Works flawlessly.

    And i practiced with this site: - Subnet Questions and Answers

    But to answer PearlJam's Q;
    i wouldnt WORRY if i can't subnet in "literally 20 seconds".

    If it takes you 1-2 minutes to Figure it Out; i think you will still have time to Pass :]

    the CCENT was disappointingly light-weight...
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