Need some motivation/advice

Its has been a long time since I have been back to this forum but I know it was instrumental in me advancing my career from help desk to Jr. Network Admin in such a short time. Now I am trying to move on from the Jr role so I can make enough to pay back all these student loans.So here is the short break down.

I have been in my current role for about a year at small company. I manage our backups, AV, Email(office 365), Sharepoint and desktop break fix. Since we are so small there are not alot of changes that need to be made to the servers but if there is I take care of that too. Just recently I got access to vSphere as we are planning to upgrade all the VMs to server 2012. This will be great experience since I have little experience with VMs. So here is the I have learned so much from already being here but when I look at some job posting I see I could be making 10k-15k more if I left. The company is really great M-F type deal with little stress and ok benefits. My question is this:
Should I start looking now?
Should I wait until we finish the upgrade of our infrastructure?
Should I just ask for a raise?
I want start my cert journey again but not even sure which one to do first. Think it will be the VCP5-DCV. I wanted to go in Networking but it looks like I am looked into the Systems side. icon_rolleyes.gif


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