CEH v9 is out, date for v8?

ajmatsonajmatson Member Posts: 289
So it looks like v9 is out on the website: CEH: Certified Ethical Hacking course from EC-Council
Does anyone know the cutoff date for v8? I have been studying for three months now icon_sad.gif and cannot find any dates.

Working on currently:
Masters Degree Information Security and Assurance (WGU) / Estimated 06/01/2016
Next Up: CCNP Routing Exam | Certified Ethical Hacker Exam
Cisco Lab: ASA 5506-X, GNS3, 1x 2801 Router, 1x 2650XM, 1x 3750-48TS-E switch, 2x 3550 EMI Switches and 1x 2950T swtich.
Juniper Lab: 1x SRX100H2, 1x J2320 (1GB Flash/1GB RAM, JunOS 11.4R7.5), and 4 JunOS Firefly vSRX Routers in VMWare ESXi 5.1


  • danny069danny069 Member Posts: 1,025 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Well this is news to me, I am studying right now. Usually companies give you about three months to take the previous version before just the new one kicks in. But I don't see a date listed.
    I am a Jack of all trades, Master of None
  • ajmatsonajmatson Member Posts: 289
    Yea i could not find one either. Hopefully a grace period.
    Working on currently:
    Masters Degree Information Security and Assurance (WGU) / Estimated 06/01/2016
    Next Up: CCNP Routing Exam | Certified Ethical Hacker Exam
    Cisco Lab: ASA 5506-X, GNS3, 1x 2801 Router, 1x 2650XM, 1x 3750-48TS-E switch, 2x 3550 EMI Switches and 1x 2950T swtich.
    Juniper Lab: 1x SRX100H2, 1x J2320 (1GB Flash/1GB RAM, JunOS 11.4R7.5), and 4 JunOS Firefly vSRX Routers in VMWare ESXi 5.1
  • GessGess Member Posts: 144 ■■■□□□□□□□
    As noted elsewhere, v9 is not out. That's a marketing page. The earliest they'll have a v9 exam out there is next summer.
  • impelseimpelse Member Posts: 1,237 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I was on their site a few days ago and that info it was not there only the new ECSA
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  • roninkaironinkai Member Posts: 307 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Hope this doesn't invalidate my pass today on v8 anytime soon. Gessh.
    浪人 MSISA:WGU
    2020 Level Up Goals: (1) DevSecOps Learning Path (2) OSCP
  • ajmatsonajmatson Member Posts: 289
    Hopefully they release some info soon.
    Working on currently:
    Masters Degree Information Security and Assurance (WGU) / Estimated 06/01/2016
    Next Up: CCNP Routing Exam | Certified Ethical Hacker Exam
    Cisco Lab: ASA 5506-X, GNS3, 1x 2801 Router, 1x 2650XM, 1x 3750-48TS-E switch, 2x 3550 EMI Switches and 1x 2950T swtich.
    Juniper Lab: 1x SRX100H2, 1x J2320 (1GB Flash/1GB RAM, JunOS 11.4R7.5), and 4 JunOS Firefly vSRX Routers in VMWare ESXi 5.1
  • Mike7Mike7 Member Posts: 1,114 ■■■■■□□□□□
    The v9 training materials are not out yet, much less the exam, so this should not affect anyone who have just passed their v8 exam.
    I just look at my CEH cert, and it does not indicate version number either.

    In any case, you are supposed to clock continual education (ECE) hours after passing to maintain the certification. Check site for ECE options, one possible option to fulfil the 120 hours is to take CEHv9 exam within 3 years of passing CEHv8. :) Spend US$600 to take 4 hour exam to fulfil 120 hours, which works out to $5 per ECE hour.
  • GessGess Member Posts: 144 ■■■□□□□□□□
    True, though any ECC exam fulfills the requirement so I'd rather take CHFI to renew CEH and then I'd have two distinct exams instead of just extending CEH. Like you say, the cert itself doesn't say which version you took.
  • TechGuru80TechGuru80 Member Posts: 1,539 ■■■■■■□□□□
    I looked on Pearson Vue the other day and you can only book v8. 3 months minimum seems reasonable but could be 6 months or more like Cisco.
  • Mike7Mike7 Member Posts: 1,114 ■■■■■□□□□□
    TechGuru80 wrote: »
    I looked on Pearson Vue the other day and you can only book v8. 3 months minimum seems reasonable but could be 6 months or more like Cisco.

    If you plan to take CEHv8 through self-study, you need to go through the eligibility and exam voucher purchase process through them. The voucher is only valid for 3 months.
    See http://www.techexams.net/forums/ec-council-ceh-chfi/113086-ceh-journey-kmastaflashs-tale.html#post968448 for process overview.

    Until we get more info, assume CEHv8 retirement early next year and schedule your study.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,113 Admin
    For CEH there is usually a 6-9 month overlap between old and new exams. That overlap period won't begin until the CEHv9 exam is on the Pearson site, so you've got at least six month to complete the CEHv8.
  • TechGuru80TechGuru80 Member Posts: 1,539 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Mike7 wrote: »
    If you plan to take CEHv8 through self-study, you need to go through the eligibility and exam voucher purchase process through them. The voucher is only valid for 3 months.
    See http://www.techexams.net/forums/ec-council-ceh-chfi/113086-ceh-journey-kmastaflashs-tale.html#post968448 for process overview.

    Until we get more info, assume CEHv8 retirement early next year and schedule your study.
    Nobody was talking about eligibility since this thread is about v8 being replaced by v9...

    Anyways...if v8 expired before you took the exam you would be taking v9 not v8.
  • Amtul SaboorAmtul Saboor Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□

    This post is for all those who think they will fail CEH v9 because it is something entirely different from CEh v8. This is not true. I passed CEH v9 on May 10, 2016. It was a good experience. Nothing was irrelevant. There were questions regarding:

    1) nmap scan (enumeration etc)
    2) wireshark scan
    3) snort command like tcp any any --> ....
    4) Some ports like netbios, syslog, ftp etc
    5) questions related to social engineering, black box , grey box , white box testing
    6) Regarding ARP protocol
    7) Risk management, risk acceptance, risk transfer
    icon_cool.gif The only question that I got specifically from CEH v9 course material was related to Shellshock.
    9) rest were too easy (yes even easier than point 5,6,7)

    Reading material that i used:
    1) 800 MCQs **** from 2013 (ceh vicon_cool.gif
    2) Matt Walker Ceh v8 book (2014 ed)
    3) Each n every slide of Ceh v8 and Ceh v9
    4) covered all of the above and revised 2 times

    Thanks for your time
    Good Luck!!
    Amtul Saboor
  • cyberguyprcyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 Mod
    You passed the CEH. There is no version anymore. I thought this would be clear by now.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,113 Admin
    ECC also said that "CEHv8" was to be called "C|EH ANSI," but the cert community didn't take to that either. icon_wink.gif
  • tkerbertkerber Member Posts: 223
    So quick question for those of you in this thread. I got my Security+ like 6 months year and passed with a 90% and thought it was overall not too bad. I have been working in my first security job for about 6 months now and I really like the idea of the C|EH -- not to advance my career but because I just thought it was an interesting cert. I have the v8 Matt Walker book and I am ordering a Kali Linux book on Amazon. I have Kali installed on a VM and have actually read the CEH v8 book quite a bit. Would it be wrong to study entirely from the v8 book? How big of a difference is there?
  • cee134cee134 Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    The good news is this book is now out: [h=1]CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Study Guide[/h]
  • cee134cee134 Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    This is what's new: (From the website)

    • Focus on New Attack Vectors
      • Emphasis on Cloud Computing Technology
        • CEHv9 focuses on various threats and hacking attacks to the emerging cloud computing technology
        • Covers wide-ranging countermeasures to combat cloud computing attacks
        • Provides a detailed pen testing methodology for cloud systems to identify threats in advance
      • Emphasis on Mobile Platforms and Tablet Computers
        • CEHv9 focuses on the latest hacking attacks targeted to mobile platform and tablet computers and covers countermeasures to secure mobile infrastructure
        • Coverage of latest development in mobile and web technologies

    • New Vulnerabilities Are Addressed
      • Heartbleed CVE-2014-0160
        • Heartbleed makes the SSL layer used by millions of websites and thousands of cloud providers vulnerable.
        • Detailed coverage and labs in Module 18: Cryptography.
      • Shellshock CVE-2014-6271
        • Shellshock exposes vulnerability in Bash, the widely-used shell for Unix-based operating systems such as Linux and OS X.
        • Detailed coverage and labs in Module 11: Hacking Webservers
      • Poodle CVE-2014-3566
        • POODLE lets attackers decrypt SSLv3 connections and hijack the cookie session that identifies you to a service, allowing them to control your account without needing your password.
        • Case study in Module 18: Cryptography
      • Hacking Using Mobile Phones
        • CEHv9 focuses on performing hacking (Foot printing, scanning, enumeration, system hacking, sniffing, DDoS attack, etc.) using mobile phones
        • Courseware covers latest mobile hacking tools in all the modules
      • Coverage of latest Trojan, Virus, Backdoors
      • Courseware covers Information Security Controls and Information Security Laws and Standards
      • Labs on Hacking Mobile Platforms and Cloud Computing
      • More than 40 percent new labs are added from Version 8
      • More than 1500 new/updated tools
      • CEHv9 program focuses on addressing security issues to the latest operating systems like Windows 8.1
      • It also focuses on addressing the existing threats to operating environments dominated by Windows 7, Windows 8, and other operating systems (backward compatibility)

  • GessGess Member Posts: 144 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Great that they're putting an emphasis on 2 year old vulnerabilities. I'm sure that didn't come from the marketing department.
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