
New job, day to day runnings?

SimridSimrid Member Posts: 327
Hi All,

I have a new job and i start next week. I'm nervous about starting as it's my first networking job.

Primaryly I will be a NOC engineer and responsiable for broadband troubleshooting etc. In addition to this, I will playing with ASA firewalls. I haven't had any experience with ASA firewalls.

What day to day changes would I be doing to the firewalls? What sort of troubleshooting would it be on the broadband? I know it's hard to tell but if you could speak from experience, would be great!

Network Engineer | London, UK | Currently working on: CCIE Routing & Switching



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    dustervoicedustervoice Member Posts: 877 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Most companies will offer you training.. don't be stressed . its ok if you dont know ASA im sure your colleagues will assist you in whatever help you need. Best of luck and enjoy. FYI CBTnuggets have a great series on ASA firewalls.
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    greg9891greg9891 Member Posts: 1,189 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Yeah I have just started and I my manager has a training schedule for a whole year to get me up to speed on all their technology. I still have daily work to do but they will give you time to properly learn everything it is that they expect of you. your certs and qualifications only really show an employer that you are smart and trainable and have the basic knowledge about technology that can be built upon.
    Upcoming Certs: VCA-DCV 7.0, VCP-DCV 7.0, Oracle Database 1Z0-071, PMP, Server +, CCNP

    Proverbs 6:6-11Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler, Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest. How long will you slumber, O sluggard?
    When will you rise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep, So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler And your need like an armed man.
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