CISSP Exam Voucher?
I failed in first attempt ( Spt 14, 2015) and planing to take 2nd after 4 weeks. Exam is expensive $599, I am kind of broke.
Does anybody know if I can get CISSP exam voucher at discounted price from any place?
Thank you for your time and help.
I failed in first attempt ( Spt 14, 2015) and planing to take 2nd after 4 weeks. Exam is expensive $599, I am kind of broke.
Does anybody know if I can get CISSP exam voucher at discounted price from any place?
Thank you for your time and help.
gomadina Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□With due respect,
My current understanding and find outs are that most of the IT related companies regardless of for profit or not-for profit just have one thing in common, "We need Money" , just how to make money from customer. They just pushing their own "Ethics" nobody pays attention to "Being as Human Ethics".
There are training camps out there have testing center onsite ( it will be almost impossible for you to schedule your own exam there), 5 days boot camp and 6th day 100% pass grantee exam, I am not kidding.
On exam day they provide you mentor to go through the exam before taking your final exam. How it possible ( but they are doing it) to put 5 years of knowledge or experience in 5 days, something fishing...
They do have purchased "Whole Sale" vouchers ( I told you it is all about money now ) at extremely discounted price. They provide vouchers to "faculty", so why not any discounted voucher to "Candidate" ? who really wants to take the exam.
I don't know? -
havoc64 Member Posts: 213 ■■□□□□□□□□HUH?
Those training camps are like $3000 so they don't go for free. And the fee for the test is not kept by the provider, I am pretty sure that the certifying agency, CompTia, (ISC)2 or ISACA is getting that testing fee.
If I were you, I'd save up for it or check with your local bank and see if you can swing an educational loan for a class and test... -
jt2929 Member Posts: 244 ■■■□□□□□□□With due respect,
My current understanding and find outs are that most of the IT related companies regardless of for profit or not-for profit just have one thing in common, "We need Money" , just how to make money from customer. They just pushing their own "Ethics" nobody pays attention to "Being as Human Ethics".
There are training camps out there have testing center onsite ( it will be almost impossible for you to schedule your own exam there), 5 days boot camp and 6th day 100% pass grantee exam, I am not kidding.
On exam day they provide you mentor to go through the exam before taking your final exam. How it possible ( but they are doing it) to put 5 years of knowledge or experience in 5 days, something fishing...
They do have purchased "Whole Sale" vouchers ( I told you it is all about money now ) at extremely discounted price. They provide vouchers to "faculty", so why not any discounted voucher to "Candidate" ? who really wants to take the exam.
I don't know?
I have no idea what you are saying, but if you want to pay $4,000+ for a bootcamp that will "guarantee" you a passing score, go ahead. I would rather study the material on my own and make sure I'm ready before taking the exam again, and wasting another $600. There are no short cuts my friend. -
cyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 ModI think the point the OP makes is that since ISC2 gives a discount to bootcamp providers and whoever buys voucher in bulk, they should do the same for mere mortals that have no interest in the training but can't afford the exam fee.
I really don't get the "i'm broke, exam/training/whatever should be cheaper". I see this applied to SANS all the time. I wish I could afford a Pagani Huayra but can't go complaining it's too expensive. It doesn't work that way. If you really want it, you work towards it and complete it whenever you can afford it. Most things in life work that way. -
gomadina Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□I paid $3000 and only got option to re-sit in the class for free if I failed. I am very sure if somebody is here running any boot-camp/training site business they know what I mean by "Pass Guarantee". There will be some ethical concerns if somebody will dig deep into it.
Anyhow, I do not want to go more in details, as some body said" It is; what it is".
I will pay the full price for exam and next time will do "Full Bargaining" with "Sales Man" of any InfoSec certification or BootCamp training provider.
I learned the lesson.