
Networking interview with all Avaya equipment

QuantumKnightQuantumKnight Member Posts: 45 ■■□□□□□□□□
Good day all,

I recently had an interview for a position for a network admin role. The company mainly uses Avaya equipment. I have my CCNA but could working with only Avaya harm my growth in the Networking world? I want the oppertunity to get in the Networking field regardless of the vendor but I know how big Cisco is. I could just be ignorant of how diverse the Networking enviornemnt is and making a big deal out of nothing. Any advise would help. Thank you.

Edit: To clarify I want to know if being in a vendor specific enviornment hinders one ability to be a good network admin or are many network engineers able to handle multiple networks regardless of it being Cisco or not.


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    joelsfoodjoelsfood Member Posts: 1,027 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Network standards apply across the board. That being said, you won't find much call for Avaya experience out there (I think only one of my clients uses Avaya, and I don't believe they really configure much on them other than one data vlan and one voice). It would definitely be more useful to have experience at a company using cisco/hp/juniper/etc.

    Depends on whether the pay, commute, benefits, etc outweigh the avaya gig vs say a cisco gig (any network admin experience is valuable rfor your resume, but some more than others)
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    Russell77Russell77 Member Posts: 161
    Would you be working on Avaya phone systems? There are tens of thousands systems out there. If they pay for phone system certifications and you were interested in working on them it would be well worth it.
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    QuantumKnightQuantumKnight Member Posts: 45 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thank you guys for your response. For networking it would be with Avaya equipment. However I will be at a Data Center also supporting different Servers and Virtulization. I am hoping that this oppertunity can help me advance my network career. It will be a pay increase plus a 5% pay raise for each certification I aquire as a perk. I touch Cisco on the Reserves side of the Military and have started studying for my CCNP.
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