
Domains in order of greatest relevance on Exam? (Ie. Best bang for the buck?)

cledford3cledford3 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
I was watching the Cybary videos and happened to be in the "Software Development Security" section - when at the end the instructor mentioned that she expected 5 or less questions on that entire domain to appear on the typical exam.

That got me started wondering - what would the domains be in order of relevance based on their respective coverage on the exam? I'm asking as I have a relatively short time to prep and it makes sense to work more heavily the domains that provide the "best bang for the buck." I have 15 years in IT - most focused on some aspect of technical security or another - so I'm not flying blind. I would however like to target what study time I have to the best use.


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