Passed's my experience
Took 271 today and passed it with a score of 766..not the greatest score I know but I am contented. My exam was alot harder than I had expected. For those of you planning to take the exam MAKE SURE you follow the objectives and practice pratice pratice. I used MS Press and transccenders. On to 272. Good luck to u all
texasmcdst Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
Congratulations on the pass!
I used the same study materials as you did. Did you find the transcenders to help you out a lot? I did!
Congrats again,
PaulPaul P
sart Member Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hmm, thinking back I think I studied for this one with mcse xp / 2k pro books from thompson technology. I just 'hoped for the best' for some of the application-specific questions using common sense.
It was still beta when I wrote this, there was no material written for it yet.
<-MCDST charter-network analyst -
ruup4it62 Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
congrats, i'm working on this one as well as 70-270 XP. hopefully i'll be as successful -
NPA24 Member Posts: 588 ■■□□□□□□□□
Excellent job! That score is pretty good. I scored around that range.