
How to make a good come back

SpittingsSpittings Banned Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello Guys and girls

I been working in I.T close to 6 years now.

However the last year has been a constant down but I managed to increase my salary by close to 20k which was a huge plus but professional wise it has been very backwards.

I was fired from my last job for something B.S ( horrible management) so I was unemployed for 3 months and I found a new place but it is not a good match and the work they gave me was not what we agreed in the interview

I been here for 9 months and the boss said it's not working out which is true and I had a written warning.

This was not the role they promised me I actually went from a consultant leading projects and doing complex stuff to doing support end user stuff and server management.

When I apply for jobs not many people get back to me and also the market is bad.

Last year when I applied 90 percent of them got back to me and I was in good demand.

I am job hunting but my confidence has obviously taken a hit

People has seen my resume and has given me good feedback and said it's good but none is calling me.
Has anyone made a good come back.

Please share.


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    scaredoftestsscaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 Mod
    Keep on applying..Where are you located? I know how you feel regarding confidence. It is such a downer being laid off/fired/or it is not working out. Can you move out of the area to a place where the market is good?
    Go to interviews with plenty of questions (written in a notebook).
    Never let your fear decide your fate....
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    SpittingsSpittings Banned Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I can move out

    But my location in my country is the best for IT jobs.

    I don't wanna move out, I still live with parents so I save alot of money so its not worth moving cost wise.
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    si20si20 Member Posts: 543 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Before I give my advice, I need a bit more info on why it's not working out. You mention you did consultancy? And this is more technical server-based work? Is this something you enjoy, but need more experience in?? Or do you hate it and want to leave? If the former, things could still work out... If you've decided you want to go and nothing will change that, then it's time to figure out what your skills are, where you want to be in the future and look at jobs that fit you better than what you're doing now.

    EDIT: I've re-read your post a few times OP and you say: "consultant leading projects and doing complex stuff to doing support end user stuff and server management."

    With all due respect to you - I work with project managers daily - and believe me, they don't do anything complex. They just have conf calls, tell other people to do things and report back to clients. To me, the end user support/server management guys are the people doing complex things.

    So is this perhaps the problem?? To you, do you find this stuff isn't for you? You thought you were doing consultancy and you've found you're doing server management?
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    YesOffenseYesOffense Member Posts: 83 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Fired from one, being told it's not working out on your current. Have you considered your own part in these decisions and what to do to correct it?
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    fuz1onfuz1on Member Posts: 961 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Re-read your post - it's all complaints and excuses. I'm not saying I haven't been there or done that (cuz I have - I've been there) but it's when you take responsibility for your actions and place blame on yourself then you'll grow both professionally and - more importantly - personally. Good luck!

    Edit: Also, it really bothers me that you said "This was not the role they promised me I actually went from a consultant leading projects and doing complex stuff to doing support end user stuff and server management."

    So what if you have to do end-user support or server management stuff?! They still paid you right? It seems like you feel your skill-set is superior to that kind of work and that's exactly why companies don't retain you. You need to be more of a team player.
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    If evil be spoken of you and it be true, correct yourself, if it be a lie, laugh at it. - Epictetus
    The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Buddha
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