
Online degree program extra curricular "Club"

KClark831KClark831 Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey all,

I am an online student in Champlain Colleges Cybersecurity program. So far I absolutely love the program and really cant get enough of it, that being said as an online student there is obviously a lack of "Clubs" in general with some online programs. So I have a two-pronged question I’m hoping some of you guys who have gone through something like this or in positions to hire can answer. Thanks in advance, and ever bit is appreciated.

1. For those of you who are more knowledgeable about the hiring process for Info-sec type positions; What would be a beneficial extra-curricular/Club for resume, learning, and networking (Professionally)? I have done some research and have seen "Cyber Teams", but I'm worried that might just be too closely related to our curriculum. I have looked into some type of programming or scripting club, as we have a few classes dedicated to Python. Ideal I am looking to create something I can get the college on-board with to give it credibility.

2. Essentially disregarding my first question, in an effort to start some-type of "Cyber Team" I have scoured the internet trying to find CTF type challenges open to the public for registration. I even considered taking a site like Hackthissite.com or OverTheWire: Wargames and trying to create some type of public forum based club on working through these resources. As professionals, or enthusiasts do any of you guys know of any thing along these lines in which I could start some type of unofficial club to build a student body before pursuing legitimization from the school?

I like the idea of using something like OverTheWire: Wargames, as their community is based on IRC anyway. Creating a Student only forum could be a useful way to force collaboration between fellow students. Unfortunately, I don’t see the school acting on this and creating an "official" type club. Anyway, sorry for the unnecessary length of this and thanks again for any insight you guys can offer. I am pretty new to tech exams but I can say you guys are an invaluable resource.

Very Respectfully,
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