
Resume Assistance

Snrussell09Snrussell09 Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hey Guys, I just found out that the entire service desk that I work on is being closed down and being shipped to Canada, India and Mexico. So I am unexpectedly having to look for a job. This was a call center environment which many different service desks for different clients and we did remote support.

I've never really created a legitimate resume, since my history was so short and the applications were mainly online. This was my first tech job and by the time we get laid off, I will have been here two years. I just got my A+ this weekend and started Net+

Anyway, I'd appreciate any tips or suggestions you can offer. The formatting is way off but that will be fixed. My old boss might have something and he wants my resume so I want to send something quickly. It's rough!
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