Selling 1 US Sec+ Voucher EXP: 2/24/2017

in Security+
Hey guys been looking for a place to offload this cert and try and get some money back figure this is as good of a place as any. So I have one sec+ voucher bought for a friend but never given to him and he backed out of studying for the exam. I have the original comptia email I will forward to you with the voucher code from my personal email that contains my last and first name and we will use paypal to which I am paypal verified and it will also pop up with my first and last name. I will remain in communication with you until you activate it. Simple. PM me if you're interested I'm selling it for 250$. I also have a link to a reddit thread if anybody wants to look more into me. I am indeed a real person with a real cert to sell you. So far I have gotten rid of 2 a+ vouchers and a net+ voucher (bought all three for a friend) but the sec+ I'm having trouble getting rid of.