What's the best Testing Engine closest to the real exam environment?
I done with the study... I need a test engine that is close to the real exam. I saw: uCertify, t e s t k i n g or p a s s 4 s u r e .... any suggestion?
bpenn Member Posts: 499
I used UCertify for the exam and it was all I needed. Really instilled the concepts and the practice tests were great. You should stay away from those other sites as they are not actual testing engines..."If your dreams dont scare you - they ain't big enough" - Life of Dillon -
rbruno303 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Thank you bpenn for your response... according to your experience, how close do you think this uCertify test questions are close to the real thing?
I don't mean to be the same... but I don't want to expend time and money in questions that are totally different (and maybe more difficult) than the actual exam....
The King one; is a very old test engine .... -
bpenn Member Posts: 499
King and ********* are ****, as I was kind of avoiding that term before. The UCertify questions were very similar to the real deal and also help solidify your knowledge with a "learn" function that gives you the answers and even tells you why each one is right and wrong."If your dreams dont scare you - they ain't big enough" - Life of Dillon -
Boxxer Member Posts: 25 ■■□□□□□□□□
To build upon bpenn's response, Ucertify also gives references at the bottom of the explanations to where you can find the information related to the question/answer. The questions and answers will not be exactly the same as the real test, but they will be on the same topics. You need to know your material if you want people to take you seriously.
Do yourself a favor and don't use brain ****.