Which frameworks are most commonly used for MS-based web development?

After a year of work, I now have MCSD (Web Applications) and MCSA (SQL Server 2012) but it seems to me that these don't provide much coverage of the latest web development frameworks. My current development job rarely uses modern technologies, so I want to study to get up-to-speed on the latest frameworks.
I'm thinking I should now concentrate on Angular, Bootstrap, NodeJS, jQuery and in-depth CSS. Are there any certifications targeting these? Any other framework suggestions?
I'm thinking I should now concentrate on Angular, Bootstrap, NodeJS, jQuery and in-depth CSS. Are there any certifications targeting these? Any other framework suggestions?
OctalDump Member Posts: 1,722
Yes, but they seem very underdeveloped.
W3 jQuery and also CSS on the side bar
CIW which covers quite a bit of ground
NodeJS course
I am guessing what you are actually looking for isn't certification per se, but rigorous, complete training courses. Depending on your skill level, W3 is a good place to start as it tends to be quite simple and easily digestible - and cheapwww.codecademy.com is also an excellent resource. But again it depends where you are starting from. There's a lot that covers the basics, but the more advanced you go the harder it is to find resources.
2017 Goals - Something Cisco, Something Linux, Agile PM -
EagerDinosaur Member Posts: 114
You're right, I'm not really looking for certifications, just a structured way to learn the most popular web-development frameworks that aren't really covered by MS exam 70-480. As far as I can see, the most popular ones at present are Angular, Bootstrap, NodeJS and of course jQuery.