Starting My 8-12 month long journey towards the OSCP

McxRisleyMcxRisley Member Posts: 494 ■■■■■□□□□□
Hey guys, I am wondering if any of you would be able to point me in the direction of some good learning/study resources to help me prepare for the OSCP exam. To clarify, I am looking for stuff to study and learn PRIOR to signing up for the lab and the exam. I currently work in InfoSec for the Navy as a contractor and already have experience in security. Scanning for vulnerabilities and finding exploits will be easy for me since I already do that on a daily basis. I have started learning how to use Kali and am going through a YouTube series to help increase my experience and skill level with the OS and its tools. Any help or guidance that any of you could provide me would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not allowed to say what my previous occupation was, but let's just say it rhymes with architect.
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