MCSA 70-417 - Exam

I currently have the MCSA for Server 2008 and would like to upgrade; Which book would be the best to use as a resource for passing the 70-417 exam?
Also if you fail the exam do you have to take all three 2012 exams? I remember MS only gave you one shot at the upgrade.
I currently have the MCSA for Server 2008 and would like to upgrade; Which book would be the best to use as a resource for passing the 70-417 exam?
Also if you fail the exam do you have to take all three 2012 exams? I remember MS only gave you one shot at the upgrade.
netsysllc Member Posts: 479 ■■■■□□□□□□
As far as I know the retake policy is the same as for other exams. It has been a few years since I upgraded my MCSA and the exam is harder now with the R2 content. Mastering Server 2012R2 book has been good for most of the 2012 exams, not certification focused but provides a lot of good information. I have had bad luck with the Microsoft Press books, might want to check out some third party books for the exam, just make sure they have the R2 content. -
Mike7 Member Posts: 1,114 ■■■■■□□□□□
Think there is no limit to the number of retakes.
70-417 covers the 3 exams; i.e. 70-410, 70-411, 70-412, and can be brutal. You need to pass all sections in order to pass the entire exam. Alternatively, take the 3 exams separately. You can check the forum for study resources.
BTW, you may want to buy the exam booster pack. See -
Arkrain Member Posts: 55 ■■■□□□□□□□
I found this resource MCSA 70-417 - Wildcard IT Training searching for materials for study.