MS 70-411 Training guide deal

Just saw this on Twitter.
You get the 70-411 Training guide ebook for half price.
Just saw this on Twitter.
You get the 70-411 Training guide ebook for half price.
AndersonSmith Member Posts: 471 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hey thanks! Has anyone used this? I'm just wondering if it's worth it because I've got the Exam Ref and it's pretty much worthless to me. A common problem I've come across while studying for the various MCSA exams is that there doesn't seem to be any decent books. Most of what I've learned relevant to the exam has been from training videos, Technet, and Google. Just wondering if I should buy this book if it's worth it. Thanks!All the best,
"Everything that has a beginning has an end" -
MHTECH Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
I'm only just starting the 410. but I purchased this while it was cheap. Thought for the price I might as well.