Question About Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Exam
First of all, are the exam questions easier or much harder then the Microsoft exams, or can it not be compared? Second of all, what are the best materials for studying for this certification? Are their any specific books out there just to pass this exam, with questions and stuff? Is this exam hard to pass if you are not really a hacker type person? Thanks for your help.
TURTLEGIRL Member Posts: 361
Personally I think the CEH is more like an advanced version of Security +. I am using CBT nuggets and Learnkey for the training. As for how hard the exam is, I really could'nt say. The Microsoft exams are tough to me.
Best of luck.If you don't know 24 then you don't know Jack! -
mctoffer Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
there's no monopoly of knowledge.. you can enroll on a bootcamp.. or buy EC council study guide..
for more info.. visit EC-Council website.... -
holysheetman Member Posts: 113 ■■■□□□□□□□
I used LearnKey's Hacking Revealed, CEH Bootcamp series... and some .chm help documents I got free which spoke about all the possible testable topics in depth.. it was really good. I also have a couple spare computers with win2kpro loaded with sp1 that I hacked into and did a couple DoS attacks on... got comfortable with netcat and nmap, those are covered in the test... multiple times -
MAC_Addy Member Posts: 1,740 ■■■■□□□□□□
Am I right in thinking that you HAVE to attend the CEH bootcamp to qaulify to even take the exam?2017 Certification Goals:
keatron Member Posts: 1,213 ■■■■■■□□□□
jamie227184 wrote:Am I right in thinking that you HAVE to attend the CEH bootcamp to qaulify to even take the exam?
No you don't have to attend a bootcamp. They ask that you prove two years of security related experience, but that's it. You can order the self study kit from EC Council directly. -
MAC_Addy Member Posts: 1,740 ■■■■□□□□□□
What's included in the self study kit?
I was thinking about ordering this, but it seems a little expensive. I don't have 2 years of (JOB) security experience...
Could I get away with home security experience? I doubt I will, but it's worth a try.2017 Certification Goals: