Is this training course legit?

jerseytechjerseytech Member Posts: 59 ■■□□□□□□□□
It says it was 1800, but now its 30.00. Has anyone ever used it?


  • TomkoTechTomkoTech Member Posts: 438
    I've never heard of that particular company. But I'm sure it's just like all the others ITU and such. It's just their private version of Udemy type videos where you pay a fee for X amount of time to view them. You are better off with the Udemy type places as you have access for the 1 fee for however long you want.
  • revboxrevbox Member Posts: 90 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Never heard of this particular company. YMMV. Sometimes people find great deals, other times you get elementary style powerpoint presentations from folks with accents so thick you need subtitles. Udemy has been hit and miss for me as far as quality. CBTNuggets is a bit pricey for my tastes. Pluralsight though I find to be both cost effective and decent quality. I've been using them as part of my preparation for the certs I've taken so far.
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