PC download or USB install for Windows Pro. Which is best option ?

mgmguy1mgmguy1 Member Posts: 485 ■■■■□□□□□□
I Have been reading the "Windows will Assimilate you" thread for the past 2 days and I am fearful I am going to be "upgraded" without my consent. This thread has motivated me to do a new backup and Look at buying Windows 10 Pro.
In looking at Amazon and newegg the price seems to be $199.99 for Windows 10 pro Download and for the Win 10 pro USB drive

My question is have any of you all done either install and what is the better option. I'm not going to hit my service providers cap so I am not really worried about that and having the USB drive gives me a Physical Media in case any issue arises.

All feedback is welcome

"A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B."

Fats Domino


  • TheFORCETheFORCE Member Posts: 2,297 ■■■■■■■■□□
    What? I'm confused. Why would you want to buy Windows 10 Pro? If you already have a Windows 7 Pro or Windows 8 Pro you can upgrade to Windows 10 pro for free. Then you can create a Bootable usb based on the Windows 10 pro image. Saves you the $200.
  • mgmguy1mgmguy1 Member Posts: 485 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I was unaware of that...Thank you. I honestly thought that the windows 10 OS they were pushing out was for Windows 10 home only.
    "A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B."

    Fats Domino
  • TheFORCETheFORCE Member Posts: 2,297 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Your upgrade will depend on the previous version of Windows. If you have Windows 8 pro, the upgrade will gove you Windows 10 pro. If you have Windows 8 home, the upgrade will give you Windows 10 home.
    I've updated all my machines the same way, even my vms.
  • tmtextmtex Member Posts: 326 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Send your computer to me. I will put on Windows 10(Legal) for $99.00. That's a $100.00 savings but WAIT, you will also get FREE and I said FREE backup and restored files ( That's a 50.00 value) (Includes favorites). You thought I was done, you will also get FREE yes I said FREE shipping back to your door step*.

    * There will be a small handling charge for the FREE shipping.
    * $40.00 more for 64 bit
  • thomas_thomas_ Member Posts: 1,012 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Just uninstall the windows update that installed the nag, restart computer, check for updates, and hide the update that you just uninstalled after it finds it. Then go into settings and uncheck the box that says to handle recommended updates like they do important updates. Once that box is unchecked you won't receive the nag anymore(assuming you uninstalled it) and you will still receive important updates.
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