
Infosec85Infosec85 Member Posts: 192 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hi everyone,

Need a few things answered about the above certification, how relevant is this to Security+ and is the jump in difficulty major?

Secondly, I do not have the required experience to do this certification, however i am aware I can sit the Associate SSCP, is the process to do this easy or do I still need someone to vouch for me etc?

and finally, how often does the SSCP have to be renewed? I am aware there is a yearly fee to maintain it.

Apologies for all the questions and thanks in advance.


  • ITSpectreITSpectre Member Posts: 1,040 ■■■■□□□□□□
    A wise IT god once told me.... when in doubt, google it.


    That link will tell you everything you need to know........ icon_thumright.gif
    In the darkest hour, there is always a way out - Eve ME3 :cool:
    “The measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone.” – Thane Krios
  • NetworkNewbNetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□
    ITSpectre wrote: »
    A wise IT god once told me.... when in doubt, google it.

    Its kinda like magic

    Let me google that for you
  • Infosec85Infosec85 Member Posts: 192 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thanks ITSpectre, I am also looking for the perspective of someone that has sat Security+ and then SSCP. NetworkNewb I am well aware of Google however all my questions aren't answered by Google, but thank you for taking the time out of your day to log onto and type it in for me and post the link. Very help and informative indeed!
  • NetworkNewbNetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I'm a helpful guy and when someone needs assistance I jump at it, thats just the kind of guy I am... icon_thumright.gif

    Using the search here is also a good tool as well (unfortunately no fancy though)

    "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"
  • ITSpectreITSpectre Member Posts: 1,040 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Infosec85 wrote: »
    I am also looking for the perspective of someone that has sat Security+ and then SSCP.

    Well I hope you pass your SSCP! if that is the route you want to take.
    In the darkest hour, there is always a way out - Eve ME3 :cool:
    “The measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone.” – Thane Krios
  • ChinookChinook Member Posts: 206
    I've taken both

    SSCP is similar to the Security+ exam. It goes a little deeper on a few topics than S+ does. If you don't have actual security experience (no one will vouch for you) you'll get an Associate cert. It's still a cert, you've still taken the training & it'll still be positive in finding a job.

    Once you complete the SSCP I'd recommend the following if you have the $ to do so

    - CBT Nuggets Kali Linux series (Keith Barker)
    - Udemy courses on the basics of Kali Linux & Pentesting
    - Online courses via places like Security Tube or Offensive Security or Udemy on the specific common tools (Nessus, Metasploit, BurpSuite, etc).

    The courses above help you understand both sides of security (defensive & offensive). You can find some really cheap stuff on Udemy to get a feel for the more basic stuff. Don't go crazy getting all those higher level exams like the SSCP or the OSCP. Get your basics down & do list those courses (even Udemy) on your resume.

    If you have plans to be a penetration tester learn tools like Maltego and your Google "fu". Data collection is extremely important for penetration testers. A guy I know in the industry would help find missing people as a way to sharpen his sleuth skills.

    One other thing I'd recommend is getting a Twitter account and just follow companies that focus on security & well known hackers who like talking about the industry. It's a good way to learn. There are many legitimate hackers who openly share information.

    As always, good luck.
  • chickenlicken09chickenlicken09 Member Posts: 537 ■■■■□□□□□□
    no ROI with sscp! i have both sec+ and sscp. no one looks for sscp in job specs.
  • ChinookChinook Member Posts: 206
    eddo1 wrote: »
    no ROI with sscp! i have both sec+ and sscp. no one looks for sscp in job specs.

    What you mean is there is no visible return on investment for the certification. Keep in mind recruiters use buzzwords and templates for positions. I recently saw a job posted that wanted a "Senior Windows Engineer" who had "excellent BASH scripting skills" and 5 to 10 years with Windows 2012 Server. Hmmmmm.

    I don't want to sound condescending but don't let your choice of certifications only be about what recruiters want. The technical people behind the scenes may be also part of the decision & may know the certification & respect it. Build a robust, well rounded skill set & let your certifications demonstrate proof you've got those skills.

    Eg. I understand Fortinet products. I can't ever remember seeing a position looking for someone with an NSE. But it has caught the attention of certain recruiters who contacted me because their clients were interested in someone with Fortinet skills. It wasn't advertises but it's out there. Frankly far too often most of these job ads are so far off the mark in what they ask for it's ridiculous.
  • DatabaseHeadDatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,765 ■■■■■■■■■■
    eddo doesn't surprise me in the least. I've ran into this with certain PM certifications. There is usually 1 - 2 known by the industry and everything else is rarely recognized.
  • kiki162kiki162 Member Posts: 635 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Those 2 certs are a "stepping stone/foundation" certifications.

    Since you already know there's a fee to maintain it, and there's an Associate path, the ISC2 site will tell you more about renewal. I'd say there's some ROI in those certs (more with Sec+), but you get those certs to certs with better ROI's (i.e.: CISSP, etc...)
  • chickenlicken09chickenlicken09 Member Posts: 537 ■■■■□□□□□□
    i have my sscp renewal coming up in 2 days, im sure sure if i should maintain it? what ye guys think?
  • neel143890neel143890 Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hello there everybody,

    Need a couple of things replied about the above affirmation, how applicable is it accurate to say that this is to Security+ and is the bounce in trouble major?

    Besides, I don't have the obliged experience to do this confirmation, be that as it may i am mindful I can sit the Associate SSCP, is the procedure to do this simple or do despite everything I require somebody to vouch for me and so on?

    lastly, how frequently does the SSCP need to be restored? I am mindful there is a yearly charge to look after it.

    Statements of regret for every one of the inquiries and thanks in advance.Hi everybody,

    Need a couple of things replied about the above affirmation, how significant is it true that this is to Security+ and is the hop in trouble major?

    Also, I don't have the obliged experience to do this accreditation, in any case i am mindful I can sit the Associate SSCP, is the procedure to do this simple or do regardless I require somebody to vouch for me and so on?

    lastly, how frequently does the SSCP need to be recharged? I am mindful there is a yearly expense to look after it.

    Expressions of remorse for every one of the inquiries and thanks ahead of time.
  • RemedympRemedymp Member Posts: 834 ■■■■□□□□□□
    eddo1 wrote: »
    i have my sscp renewal coming up in 2 days, im sure sure if i should maintain it? what ye guys think?

    Have you not acquired the necessary CPE's to maintain it?
  • wayne_wonderwayne_wonder Member Posts: 215 ■■■□□□□□□□
    neel143890 wrote: »
    Hello there everybody,

    Need a couple of things replied about the above affirmation, how applicable is it accurate to say that this is to Security+ and is the bounce in trouble major?

    Besides, I don't have the obliged experience to do this confirmation, be that as it may i am mindful I can sit the Associate SSCP, is the procedure to do this simple or do despite everything I require somebody to vouch for me and so on?

    lastly, how frequently does the SSCP need to be restored? I am mindful there is a yearly charge to look after it.

    Statements of regret for every one of the inquiries and thanks in advance.Hi everybody,

    Need a couple of things replied about the above affirmation, how significant is it true that this is to Security+ and is the hop in trouble major?

    Also, I don't have the obliged experience to do this accreditation, in any case i am mindful I can sit the Associate SSCP, is the procedure to do this simple or do regardless I require somebody to vouch for me and so on?

    lastly, how frequently does the SSCP need to be recharged? I am mindful there is a yearly expense to look after it.

    Expressions of remorse for every one of the inquiries and thanks ahead of time.

    Not being rude but i'm not sure what your post was actually about but for all information about the sscp please see

    Everything you need is on there
  • chickenlicken09chickenlicken09 Member Posts: 537 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Remedymp wrote: »
    Have you not acquired the necessary CPE's to maintain it?

    How do i do this?
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